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Day Walk Ideas

Day Walks: Previous club walks for:

WalkID: 1858
1 Mar (Sun) 2015: CLEAN-UP AUSTRALIA, GLENBROOK (E-M) The site will be Glenbrook Creek, between Jelly Bean Pool and Blue Pool, and tracks and roads in and out. The more people we have, easier the job. This is a great opportunity to help improve the areas we love to use - don\'t complain about people leaving rubbish, come and help us pick it up! Gloves and even fluro vest supplied. Limit: 40. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1572
1 Mar (Sat) 2014: B TO B PART 6 (M) Botany Bay N.P. Captain Cook\'s landing place, Cape Baily, then Boat Harbour to Cronulla. Pleasant historic walk with a chance of a swim. Best fish and chips in Sydney at Sth. Cronulla. Some beach walking. About 15klms. Limit: 10. Map: Sydney's Best Harbour and Coastal Walks.

WalkID: 2597
1 Mar (Wed) 2017: BLACKHEATH (E) Govett's Leap Blackheath, 'Weeding with a view'. 9.00am-1.00pm. Joint NPWS/SBC activity. Weeds are just a waterfall away! Come along and stop the weeds going over the edge at Govett's Leap. Enjoy a special morning tea with a spectacular view. Book directly with Vanessa on (02) 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Friday 24th February. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba, .

WalkID: 3727
1 Mar (Sun) 2020: BLACKHEATH (E, Social) t Blackheath Govetts Leap and Blue Mts Heritage Centre. easy/Social. Join Virginia on a walk following the cliff tops from Govetts Leap to Evans Lookout and to Pulpit Rock before heading to the NPWS centre for the 2pm opening of an art exhibition by Luke Kelly “In-Flight” featuring stunning artwork of birds. Email Virginia Or text 0408 618 240 Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2982
1 Mar (Thu) 2018: BLACKHEATH CYCLE (M) Shipley Plateau - Ride from Blackheath Station out onto Shipley Plateau to Hargraves Lookout then round to Mount Blackheath - then return to Blackheath refuel then train home or ride back down to Springwood. Suitable for Mountain and road bikes - short stretch dirt road (condition of this bit not known to leader but should be okay) to Mount Blackheath - approx 30km. Bring morning tea and water. Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3212
1 Mar 2019 (Fri) 2019: BLUE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK AT GLENBROOK (M) Weeding in the National park at Glenbrook removing invasive weeds. This is a combined NPWS activity. Limit: 14. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 88
1-Mar (SUN) 2009: CLEAN UP Australia day (E) Leaders please note that this day is reserved for clean up activities. Contact Robyn H for lower Blue Mountains clean-up. Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 107
1 Mar (Sun) 2009: CLEAN UP Australia day (E) Robyn will coordinate lower Blue Mountains clean-up. Limit: 20. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1588
1 Mar (Sat) 2014: DU FAURS HEAD (E, 1) Join me for an easy walk from The Pinnacles to Du Faur Head & return. Approx 7km. No big ascents or descents. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba & Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 1882
1 Mar (Sun) 2015: KATOOMBA (M) Golden Stairs to Mt Solitary. This is a training walk for those going to Nepal. However others are welcome to join us. All on well marked tracks. Load a few extra kilos into your pack for a good workout. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4118
1 Mar (Mon) 2021: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL This is our annual AGM where we vote for the new committee and we will hold a live meeting in the usual place. Seven PM for 7:30 start. Numbers will be limited according to COVID rules at the time. This has now changed to more than 70, but please book. We will also vote on the updated Constitution and Fees for 2021-22. If you can't attend to vote in person, there will be online voting for the constitution. A link will be sent around a week before the meeting. Online voting will close on 1/3/2021. No postal votes allowed ! However, you may submit a proxy form to allow someone to cast a vote for you. Map: street directory

WalkID: 2174
1 Mar (Tue) 2016: WARRIMOO Social Games night with an emphasis on fun and laughter held at my place at Warrimoo starting at 7 PM. Games will include card and other games - no skills needed. BYO drinks but tea and coffee and some nibbles provided

WalkID: 3670
2 Mar 2020 (Mon) 2020: AGM ( ) Springwood Presbyterian Church hall. The Golden Boot, Volley and Croc will be awarded. New committee members will be nominated and elected and the President and Treasurer's annual reports will be presented. Catering: Gillian Fuller Limit: 245. Map: .

WalkID: 1853
2 Mar (Mon) 2015: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Tonight will be our Annual General Meeting. Find out what has been happening and who has won our annual golden boot, golden volley and the new golden croc award? We will elect a new committee for a year. The committee keeps the club running and all positions are open for contestable election. If you\'d like to give back to Springwood Bushwalking Club then one way is to nominate for a committee role. Please check http://www.springwoodbushwalker.org.au/website/home_policies.php to find out what is involved or feel free to discuss the possibilities with a committee member. We shall also be voting on updated by laws and club constitution (front page) as well as setting membership fees for 2015/2016 financial year.

WalkID: 3334
2 Mar (Sat) 2019: BEDFORD CREEK LAKES VIA MURPHY'S GLEN WOODFORD (E-M) Commence at 8.45am and from Bedford Road Woodford preferably by 4WD on the scenic route past the equally tallest tree in NSW to Murphy's Glen and thence on foot by established track for some 30-40 minutes to Bedford Lake 1, an excellent swimming spot. If time permits then, a further ten minute walk beside the track to another swimmable lake. If time permits on the return journey, a drive around the area of giant blue gums at Murphy's Glen and a glimpse of the giant tree on the way back. We plan to arrive at Woodford Station at 12 noon. Limit: 20. Map: 8930-2N & 8930-IS.

WalkID: 5243
2 Mar (Sat) 2024: BOTTOM TO TOP OF NELLIE'S GLEN (M) Starting at the Megalong Valley Cemetery, a lovely walk through farm paddocks, along a quiet dirt road, up the Glen and back... Ah, stairs... Limit: 4. Map: Katoomba .

WalkID: 2265
2 Mar (Wed) 2016: COWAN TO TAFFY'S ROCK (M) Start at Cowan railway station and walk down the Jerusalem Bay track in the Ku-ring-gai National Park then continue up onto the ridge and follow the ridge to Top of the World Lookout and tessellated rock. our lunch stop will be at Taffy’s Rock. Here we will have stunning views to Lion Island and Cowan Creek. We will return the way we came.Distance about 17km Elevation 300m up and down Limit: 5. Map: Cowan.

WalkID: 1575
2 Mar (Sun) 2014: GLENBROOK (E-M) Please keep this day free as it is CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY. Hopefully it will be the Junction of Nepean River and Glenbrook Creek, if not somewhere in the area of the BMNP. 5km walk in and out. Limit: 20. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 5238
2 Mar (Sat) 2024: HAT HILL CANYON - THE BEST BIT (E-M, swim) Another trip to this beautiful part of the world. From Hat Hill carpark, follow a track part way out to Bald Hill, then divert down the steep exit track for the canyon. We'll follow the canyon to the end, then return the same way. Short swim and some deep wades, you will need shoes that can get wet, wetsuit is optional. Lots of rock hopping. Dry bag is advisable to keep some warm clothes dry. Ideal for a first canyon, but you must be able to swim. Limit: 8. Map: mount Wilson.

WalkID: 3308
2 Mar (Sat) 2019: KANUKA BROOK AND CRAYFISH POOL (M) A short walk to a mountain pool with cool, clear water and a sandy beach. Some rock scrambling. Plenty of time to swim and enjoy! Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2894
2 Mar 2018 (Fri) 2018: NATIONAL PARK AT GLENBROOK (M) Weeding in the park a combined activity with NPWS Limit: 14. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 815
2 Mar (Wed) 2011: RIVER CAVES CANYON (E-M) This is a walk through canyon, you will get wet feet and maybe wet shorts. A thermal top & quick dry shorts with volleys is needed, also a dry bag in your pack. A change of clothes at the car would be a good idea. Limit: 12. Map: Rock Hill.

WalkID: 3355
2 Mar (Sat) 2019: RUINED CASTLE, (E-M) RUINED CASTLE, KATOOMBA One of the Blue Mountains classic walks. Leisurely walk out to Ruined Castle for morning tea & back. Short Day. Descend the Golden Stairs to the old (mostly level and shaded) track used for coal mining activities. A short climb at the end to Ruined Castle, where there are spectacular views down Cedar Creek to the wilderness that is the Warragamba dam catchment. Limit: 8. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4931
2 Mar (Thu) 2023: SEVEN HILLS ACACIA GARDENS THE PONDS (M) BIKE RIDE - Seven Hills The Ponds - A 5hr circuit suitable for road bikes following cycleways and back roads. Morning tea at a cafe and bring lunch to have in a park. Limit: 15. Map: Google maps - Cycleways.

WalkID: 4502
2 Mar (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E) 2nd March (Wed) - SPRINGWOOD - Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. - CHARLES M Meeting details:8.30 at Manners Park Springwood Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1292
2 Mar (Sat) 2013: THE SPIT TO THE ZOO (E-M) The second of two classic harbourside walks. Walk from the Spit Bridge via Balmoral Beach and Clifton Gardens to Taronga Zoo wharf. Enjoy more great views. Bring swimmers and snorkel. You might be in luck to see the elusive sea horse at Clifton Gardens. Approx. 11km. Limit: 8. Map: Sydney, UBD.

WalkID: 2187
2 Mar (Wed) 2016: WENTWORTH FALLS (M) Wednesday 2nd March - Water Nymphs Dell Wentworth Falls – 9-3pm. A joint NPWS/SBC activity. If you like a challenge this is the activity for you. A day working on regenerating bushland in the National Park that in continuing to be affected by the de-commissioned STP. You can expect to kill privet and loads of crofton weed. A reasonable level of fitness is required. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book with Vanessa on 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Monday 29th Feb at the latest. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3316
2 Mar (Sat) 2019: WINDSOR (H, kayak) Explore South Creek and Eastern Creek 25 plus km with the tide both ways. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 4491
2 Mar (Wed) 2022: WOODFORD (E-M) An easy half day walk: Aprox.5km: From the NP gate along Murphys Fire Trail to a rock cave. Morning tea on a rocky outcrop above the cave, then a tour of Linda Rock on our way back to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 5222
3 Mar (Sun) 2024: CLEAN UP AUS DAY - YARRAMUNDI RESERVE (E) Spend the morning with us down at Yarramundi Reserve for Clean Up Australia Day 2024. Bags will be provided. Bring gloves, swimmers and morning tea. Limit: 22. Map: kurrajong.

WalkID: 419
3 Mar (Wed) 2010: Birrabang Canyon (E-M, E-M) Thought it would be nice to do this at a diffrent time this year, this is just a delightfull creek with lots of yabbies and overhangs to be seen a short swim required or ledge walk thermials & volleys required. Limit: 10. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 2296
3 Mar (Thu) 2016: BLACKHEATH (M) Ride from Blackheath Station out onto Shipley Plateau to Hargraves Lookout then round to Mount Blackheath see if anyone is hang gliding then return to Blackheath refuel then train home or ride by Brian's way back down the mountains. Suitable for Mountain and road bikes short stretch dirt road to mount Blackheath which is usually in good condition. Limit: 15. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1300
3 Mar (Sun) 2013: BLUE MOUNTAINS NP LAPSTONE (E-M) CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY. We will be cleaning up the junction of Nepean River and Glenbrook Creek. The NPWS will be taking out the garage by boat. The walk in and out is about 3km all up and all on tracks. You will be advised of the time and meeting place when booking. Limit: 0. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1072
3 Mar (Sat) 2012: COCKATOO ISLAND (E) Visit the largest island in Sydney Harbour and explore its convict prison and remnants of its ship building past. Free entry with guided or self-guided walks available. Also, audio tapes are available for hire. Bring lunch, or buy something in the cafe. Limit: 8. Map: Sydney Ferries.

WalkID: 2861
3 Mar 2018 (Sat) 2018: COWAN CREEK (M) From Mt. Kuringai station, we'll walk down to Apple Tree Bay, then along the creek to Waratah Bay, then up to Berowra railway station. Cool gullies, with swimming along the way. Just over 10klms. Limit: 10. Map: Sydney.

WalkID: 2579
3 Mar (Fri) 2017: GLENBROOK SECTION BLUE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK (E) This a combined NPWS activity weeding in Park. Bring hat, food and water for the day tools supplied. Limit: 12. Map: Pentrith.

WalkID: 4165
3 Mar (Wed) 2021: INDUCTION TALK MEETING (Exp) Induction talk Limit: 8. Map: none.

WalkID: 481
3 Mar (Wed) 2010: Kanuka Brook Reh Hands Cave (E-M, E-M) Please note: Birrarbang Canyon Cancelled 3.3.10 Going to Red Hands Cave & Kanuka Brook in Glenbrook N.P. instead if intrested ring by 8am Wednesday morning. 47572764 Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1564
3 Mar (Mon) 2014: MEETING AGM. By now you should have nominated people for committee positions. Come and vote for your favourite hard working committee members.

WalkID: 4166
3 Mar (Fri) 2000: MEETING Induction talk

WalkID: 3332
3 Mar (Sun) 2019: NATIONAL PARK GLENBROOK = CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY (E-M) Clean up Australia Day is once again at Glenbrook. Time and Place to be announced closer to the date. Limit: 20. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 5249
3 Mar (Sun) 2024: NEATES GLEN - GRAND CANYON - EVANS LOOKOUT (M) NEATES GLEN - GRAND CANYON - EVANS LOOKOUT GLEN CIRCUIT (M) A wonderful circuit walk on a recently refurbished track. Approximately 3 hours long. 350 m descent/ascent.6.5km Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2950
3 Mar (Sat) 2018: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH (M, kayak) Paddle up the Nepean River and return. Finish before lunch. bring morning tea and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4126
3 Mar (Wed) 2021: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Description of walk: Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4145
3 Mar (Wed) 2021: WARRIMOO (E-M) A half day walk to Warrimoo Lookout: Approximately 6km: We will start the walk by walking into the valley of a unnamed side creek that feeds into Fitzgeralds Creek, then crossing the creek and ascending the ridge to Warrimoo Lookout taking a side trip on the way to an unnamed lookout with a view down Long Angle Creek, then on to Warrimoo Lookout for morning tea. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 156
3 Mar (Tue) 2009: Weeding Kitty Hawke Swamp (E) Wentworth Falls: 9am-3pm Activity·: Continue the work already started in this threatened ecosystem by helping to stop the invasion of weeds from urban development. This is home to both the giant dragonfly and the Blue Mountains water skink. BMCC Coordinator: Michael Hensen (ph) 4780 5471 or email: mhensen@bmcc.nsw.gov.au SBC contact Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4507
4 Mar (Fri) 2022: BALD HEAD, HAT HILL (E-M) This is a fairly easy walk of about 4 km out and back (total 8km) with a couple of small hills. The views along the trail and at the end are great. Expect to be finished by 2pm. Limit: 12. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 2168
4 Mar (Fri) 2016: GLENBROOK (E) Weeding at Glenbrook in Blue Mountains National Park Bring morning tea and lunch plus water to drink tools supplied Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4096
4 Mar (Thu) 2021: HENSON GLEN AND GOVETTS CREEK (M) From Mt. Hay Rd. we'll walk down the ridge into Govetts Creek and Henson Glen. About a 5km. walk, with chance of a swim. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2825
4 Mar (Sun) 2018: LINCOLN CREEK NIRVANA (M, scrambling and obstac) From Pisgah rock deep in the park at Glenbrook we will descend to beautiful Lincoln Creek and follow along its rainforested banks to the excellent camping cave with its near by falls and deep plunge pool. Visitor book replenishment. Return via Monkey Ropes creek. Suitable for hot or wet weather and some good swimming. 10km. Mostly off track rainforest. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4865
4 Mar (Sat) 2000: MACQUARIE PASS NAT. PARK (M) The magnificent rainforest and abundant waterfalls make the longish drive worth it. Cascades Track, then the Clover Hills Trail into Rainbow Falls, Clover Falls, Mulangong Falls and more. Some rock scrambling and you may get wet feet! Limit: 12. Map: Macquarie Park.

WalkID: 4866
4 Mar (Sat) 2023: MACQUARIE PASS NAT. PARK (M) The magnificent rainforest and abundant waterfalls make the longish drive worth it. Cascades Track, then the Clover Hills Trail into Rainbow Falls, Clover Falls, Mulangong Falls and more. Some rock scrambling and you may get wet feet! Limit: 12. Map: Macquarie Park.

WalkID: 2897
4 Mar 2018 (Sun) 2018: NATIONAL PARK GLENBROOK (E-M) TIME and PLACE to be announced at a later date. Limit: 20. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2898
4 Mar (Sun) 2018: NATIONAL PARK GLENBROOK = CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY (E-M) We well clean up in the Glenbrook area of the National Park. TIME and PLACE to be announced, is now Glenbrook Creek from the Blue Pool to The Jelly Bean Pool and surrounds, and 8.00 am is the time, to try and beat the heat. Bring morning tea and lunch as well as the usual bushwalking gear. You might like to bring swimmer also. Limit: 20. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 183
4 Mar (Wed) 2009: SAILING OR CYCLING PENRITH LAKES (E, E, water) Spend an afternoon bike riding and/or sailing or learning to sail at Penrith Lakes. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1088
4 Mar (Sun) 2012: SCULPTURE IN THE BUSH AT KATOOMBA (E) Walk down Furber Steps and along the Boardwalk to admire sculptures set amongst the forest; 25 sculptures in total. Can walk back up Furber Steps or catch the cable car or scenic railway to regain the cliff top. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2567
4 Mar (Sat) 2017: SPIT TO MANLY (E) A 5OTH YEAR CELEBRATION!! Send us your favourite day walk you've done with us and we'll endeavour to put it on when it suits you. This is one of our favourites. Harbour views, with a side trip to The Grotto. Bring swimmers. Train, bus, ferry. Limit: 12. Map: Manly Tourist Map.

WalkID: 3729
4 Mar (Sat) 2000: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4161
4 Mar (Thu) 2021: SPRINGWOOD (M) Mountain bike ride, very pleasant environment. Springwood to Winmalee, then the Bluegum Swamp circuit, Winmalee shops for morning tea. Next down Singles Ridge Road and into Long Angle Gully, emerging into Sun Valley and up the hill. BOM says good weather for a change. Mountain bikes recommended although Paul Doyle's indestructable road bike might survive Bluegum Swamp. Meet 9 am at the park near Springwood Station. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3335
4 Mar (Mon) 2019: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ( ) Anual General Meeting. The Golden Boot, Volley and Croc will be awarded. New committee members will be nominated and elected and the President's and Treasurer's annual reports will be presented. Limit: 70. Map: .

WalkID: 5251
4 Mar (Mon) 2024: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL (E) Our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at 7.30pm in the Springwood Presbyterian Church Hall. All committee positions are open for nominations and voting will be held on that night. This is your chance to come along and gain a better understanding of the workings of the club or to become part of the team that supports our fantastic array of activities. You may self-nominate. The positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Activity Officer, Training Officer, Communications Officer, IT Officer. Other Committee support roles include: Deputy IT Officer, Child Activity Coord, MPIO, Public Officer, Social Secretary, Publicity and Promotions Officer, Volunteers Officers, Equipment Officer, Librarian, Catering Officer, Emergency Contact Officers and delegates to Bushwalking NSW. Supper will be provided on the evening. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4153
4 Mar (Thu) 2021: WENTWORTH FALLS (E) Kittyhawke Swamp. (9.00am-3.00pm.) A combined NPWS/BMCC activity. Come and join the long-term landscape-wide restoration efforts of volunteers and contractors to improve the function of this endangered ecological community. Lunch and morning tea donated by Hominy Bakery. Bookings essential - please book by Tuesday 23rd February if possible at https://www.bushcarebluemountains.org.au/event/swampcare-kittyhawke-west-wentworth falls/ Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3716
4 Mar (Wed) 2020: WOODFORD (E-M) An easy half day walk: From NP gate along Murphys Fire Trail to a rock cave. Morning tea on a rocky outcrop above the cave, then a tour of Linda Rock on our way back to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 843
5 Mar (Sat) 2011: BOB TURNERS TRACK (M) We missed out due to fires and heat, so maybe this time!!! An old favourite in the Upper Colo. It's a few years since we've been, so we'll give it a go. It's approx. 3klms. to the river, on a reasonable track, with some ascent/descent. Relax and swim in the river, with some exploring and return the same way. Limit: 12. Map: Bushwalks in the Sydney Region, Vol. 1.

WalkID: 2262
5 Mar (Sat) 2016: DU FAURS CANYON (M-H, M/H) Du Faurs canyon is deep and cold. It is a beautiful canyon with long swims and is dark and narrow. A lilo and a wetsuit is recommended. We will park at Mt Wilson Bushfire Brigade Station and walk to the canyon. Lots of swims and some rope scrambles but no abseils. Limit: 6. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 4482
5 Mar (Sat) 2022: LABYRINTH OF THE UPPER GROSE (M-Exp, Scrub,Cliffs?) CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN Just a couple of km north of the Mt Victoria Cemetery in the baby upper Grose Catchment there is a complex area of rock outcrops, ramps, pagodas, caves, overhangs, corners and crevices lining the upper tracts. These rocky pagoda areas often have a large variety of vegetation---aspect, shading, soil depth and drainage varies markedly over short distances. We will explore between spot heights 1018 and 1007 and a bit upstream. The valley is at most 100m deep and most of the features seem, from the map to be around 10 to30 metres high. The distance may not be long. Dry weather only. Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 2229
5 Mar (Sat) 2016: MT VICTORIA (M) Mt Victoria Rienits Pass track (M) This beautiful historic track features sweeping valley views, Bushrangers Cave, mossy glens and patches of rainforest. Distance approx 7km all on track. Limit: 12. Map: Mount Wilson, Hartley.

WalkID: 2553
5 Mar (Sun) 2017: NATIONAL PARK GLENBROOK (E-M) Clean up along Glenbrook Creek, from the Duckhole to Blue Pool. As of this time we will only be doing around The Blue Pool to the Jelly Bean Pool. Meeting time 8.30 at the park gates, I will be away on Jeanette's walk on Friday and Saturday, so just turn up with the usual bushwalking gear. Morning Tea and Lunch and Water etc. Limit: 100. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2979
5 Mar (Mon) 2018: SASSAFRASS GULLY SPRINGWOOD (M-Exp, Scrub) Join some well respected bush authors as we explore for about four hours the christian cross in Sassafrass Gully and various other cultural sites - hand stencil cave, sharpening grooves, possible ochre source, Paddy's grave and the old stone foundations and a few other things. There will be scrubby and off track sections. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2978
5 Mar (Mon) 2018: SPRINGWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL (-) Anual General Meeting. The Golden Boot, Volley and Croc will be awarded. New committee members will be nominated and elected and the President's and Treasurer's annual reports will be presented. Limit: 70. Map: .

WalkID: 1886
5 Mar (Thu) 2015: STRATHFIELD (E) 5 March (Thu) - STRATHFIELD to Brighton Le-Sands - Bay to Bay Cycleway. This is the postponed ride of 19th Feb. We'll try again, so do join us for a leisurely ride, suitable for MTB or roadies on local roads and cycleways to Botany Bay along the Cooks River. Morning tea at the 'Chocolate Shop', then on for a dip in the Bay, so don't forget your togs. Fish & chips for lunch or BYO. Limit: 12. Map: .

WalkID: 4319
5 Mar (Sat) 2022: SWIMMING DAY ON GLENBROOK CREEK (M) Walk in via the Duckhole, then wander down to Kanuka Brook. Plenty of time to swim and enjoy the area. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2148
5 Mar (Sat) 2016: UNCLE GEORGE CANYON (M) Just off Kings Tableland is a quality canyon with 3 abseils. Beautiful ferns in pristine rainforest. Exit on to the Ingar fire trail. You may need to swim, so wetsuit, abseil gear, helmet and rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 777
5 Mar (Sat) 2011: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Roberts Pass-Linderman Pass Easy walk suitable for beginners.Start and finish at the Conservastion hut.We will cross the new Lillians bridge then up to the golf course and down Roberts Pass,then traverse along Lindermans Pass and exit up the Valley of the waters.Finish with coffey at the Cons hut.This walk can be muddy in places. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 819
5 Mar (Sat) 2011: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) INDUCTION COURSE & WALK National Pass circuit We will start with the induction course and then do the walk, good veiws of the Jamison valley, ring to book in and otain more information Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2560
5 Mar (Sun) 2017: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Clean Up Australia Day activity in the Upper Mountains. 9.30-12.30. We will clean up tracks in the Wentworth Falls area of the Blue Mountains National Park, with activities of varying levels of difficulty to cater for all participants! A NPWS ranger will assist us on the day. Limit: 20. Map: Katoomba .

WalkID: 4084
6 Mar (Sat) 2021: AUDLEY, ROYAL NATIONAL PARK (M) Audley to Audley, a looping walk through the forests of the Royal. A gentle rising track from Wattle Forest on the banks of the Hacking River leads up to Gurrumboola Ridge. At the junction with the Uloola Track we pass over Whaleback Rock towards Uloola Falls. Enroute there are indigenous rock carvings off the main track. From the falls we continue to Karloo pools and thence down Kangaroo Creek to join a sharply rising track that meets Bottle Forest Trail and eventually Engadine Track. We cross over Kangaroo Creek cataract and head up to Robertson Knoll before returning down to Audley. The walk is 14km, mostly on track. Coffee and treats are available at Audley Dance Hall. Toilets are available at the start/finish, as well as Uloola Campsite. Limit: 10. Map: Port Hacking.

WalkID: 404
6 Mar (Sat) 2010: BIKE RIDE - Homebush (E-M, E-M) A relaxed pace, no prizes for finishing first!!! Cycle approx 20 kilometres around the Homebush Olympic site visiting all the major sports venues and stopping often for photography. Then cycle around Newington Armoury where we shall have an early lunch. After lunch cycle along a beautiful bike track to Tempe. We shall then return to our vehicles at Concord West. All up approx 70 klms with no serious hills. (I do not have to dismount and push the bike). Limit: 10. Map: Gregory’s Sydney Street Directory.

WalkID: 745
6 Mar (Sun) 2011: CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY (E) Details to come in next programme,we will have 2 sites one at Katoomba/Wentworth Falls co-ordinator Gail, the other at Glenbrook Park co-ordinator Robyn, but please keep the day free. Limit: 0. Map: .

WalkID: 3668
6 Mar 2020 (Fri) 2020: GLENBROOK (M) Weeding in the National Park at Glenbrook combined activity with NPWS. Need to bring lots water to drink and food for the day. Limit: 14. Map: Penrith .

WalkID: 5233
6 Mar (Wed) 2024: GLENBROOK (E-M) A half day walk: 7km approx: We will cross Knapsack Gully Bridge. From there a short walk to a historical feature then follow the route of the old Great Western Highway and ascend to the first zigzag after bottom points. From there to top points and the top zigzag through bushland to the RAAF Base boundary and a short walk on Knapsack Street. We will follow the RAAF Base boundary to bushland in Knapsack Creek and descend to the old Sewage Treatment Plant then onto the western exit of the old Railway Tunnel. We then cross Knapsack Creek and follow the old train route through a rail cutting. On leaving the cutting we will follow bushland tracks and ascend to Lovers Walk and Marges Lookout, We will then descend on Lovers Walk to the Knapsack Gully track and the cars. Bring morning tea. This walk will be in part of the area covered by the Metrogaine on Sunday the 24th March 2024.and may suit club members planning to do the Metrogaine. Limit: 16. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2195
6 Mar (Sun) 2016: GLENBROOK NATIONAL PARK (E-M) CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY: Come help clean up Glenbrook Creek and surrounding areas. The more people, the merrier and quicker it will be done. Limit: 25. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4505
6 Mar (Sun) 2022: GRAND CANYON (M, 4) At Blackheath a spectacular canyon, 1 abseil in then 3 or 4 swims in cold water. Lots of rock scrambling. Must have some abseiling exp and have own gear including helmet. Rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba .

WalkID: 770
6 Mar (Sun) 2010: JUNCTION OF NEPEAN RIVER & GLENBROOK CREEK (E-M) This walk is for Clean-Up Australia Day. We will walk in from Lapstone Railway Station to the junction of the river and creek. Clean up the area, and out the same way. Now for removing the JUNK! "HAS ANYONE GOT A BOAT, WHICH COULD GO UP THE RIVER?" It seems it is all too hard for the national parks. If not I will change the plans for removal. Hope to see many of the members there on the day Limit: 50. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2620
6 Mar (Mon) 2017: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HALL March General Meeting and Annual General Meeting. Election of Office bearers for 2017/18 Limit: 0. Map: .

WalkID: 4122
6 Mar (Sat) 2021: SHARKS HEAD, LOST WORLD (M) We will descend from Martins Lookout to Glenbrook Creek then make our way up to the camp cave known as Sharks Head. Then onto Lost World before making our way down Bunyan Pass and the Kings Link track. Back at Glenbrook Creek we will make a short side trip to inspect Psalm Rock followed by a swim in a nearby secluded pool away from the crowds. This is a popular lower mountains walk offering some great views and interesting terrain. Approx 25% easy off track and some easy scrambles. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2178
6 Mar (Sun) 2016: SOUTH SPRINGWOOD CULTURAL WALK (M, minor scrambling and ) This walk encompasses the best cultural features of Springwood, discovered over many years of local exploration. Descend Sassafrass Gully and view the stone ruins, and try to decipher the runes of Paddy's grave, then along the Victory track and more rainforest track walking to Numantia Falls. Later we will browse the excellent and unique art gallery. Thence to the saddle to view Kangaroo iconography, then down the Sassafrass knife edge spur to savour its overhangs. On the way out we will follow Sassafrass Creek and visit the Perch Ponds, Magdala Falls and re-discover the forgotten steps of the old Yondell linking track. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3367
6 Mar (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E-M) Florabella & Pippas Passes: A half day walk in two very nice creek valleys, both of which flow into Glenbrook Creek. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3356
6 Mar (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD CYCLE (E) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 8. Map: gregory.

WalkID: 4092
6 Mar (Sat) 2021: SPRINGWOOD TO FAULCONBRIDGE WATERFALLS (M) A new series of waterfalls of the Blue Mtns. Down Magdala Creek-Glenbrook Creek, then through Sassafras Gully Reserve to Faulconbridge. Falls to be visited: Magdala, Martins, Numentia and Clarinda. Maybe some swimming and all on tracks. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 752
6 Mar (Sun) 2011: WENTWORTH FALLS (E) In 1836 Charles Darwin walked along Jamison Creek to the cliff's edge. We will be following in his footsteps and continue along National Pass exiting at Edinburgh Castle Rock. This is an easy half day walk with lots of stairs, spectacular views and pristine waterfalls. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2163
6 Mar (Sun) 2016: WENTWORTH FALLS SOCIAL - TABLE TENNIS. A social afternoon of table tennis for those enthusiasts like me who love to play but have no one to play with!! Brush up on your skills for the next 'Pygmy Possum Cup' to be held in Charlottes Pass January 2017 or come just for fun. Will start around 3pm with Happy Hour to be consumed during the afternoon.

WalkID: 109
7 Mar (Sat) 2009: A SOCIAL WITH A DIFFERENCE A day of mystery, mayhem, walks and good food. Bring: gormet brekky to share/ afternoon tea to share/ pen and paper/ a baby photo of you/ 3 things about yourself that other club members hopefully won't know; write these on a piece of paper/ utensils for eating. Give yourself a day of fun and exercise. Map: Mystery

WalkID: 4501
7 Mar (Mon) 2022: AGM FOR SPRINGWOOD BUSHWALKING CLUB The meeting at which the committee is elected. Come along and vote, and/or nominate someone else for a role in running the club. Current plans are to hold this meeting 'live' in the church hall. Limit: 40. Map: .

WalkID: 2962
7 Mar (Wed) 2018: BLACKHEATH (E) Pope's Glen. 9 -4pm. A joint BMCC/NPWS /SBC activity. Enjoy a walk along Pope's Glen Creek and its banks treating and checking for weeds before they fall off and over the cliff into Grose Valley. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book directly with Lyndal by Friday 2nd March on 4780 5623 or lyndalsullivan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au. Limit: 0. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 3321
7 Mar (Thu) 2019: BLACKHEATH (E) Valley View Swamp (Blackheath). 9.00am - 3.00pm. Come for the day or just the morning. Help us get this swamp back into shape. This stream is part of the headwaters of Braeside Swamp which is very important to the health of Govetts Leap Falls. There is a wide range of weeds to choose from, including honeysuckle, privet, jasmine etc. Enjoy a delicious morning tea and lunch donated by Hominy Bakery. Please note that to book on this walk you need to book in directly with the co-ordinator by 25th February on 4780 5623 or at bushcare@bmcc nsw.gov.au. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1843
7 Mar (Sat) 2015: DU FAURS CANYON (M) At Mt. Wilson, this canyon involves a fair bit of swimming. Bring wetsuit and some flotation in your pack. A great way to spend a summer\'s day and be inspired by the huge rock walls. Exit via Joe\'s Canyon. Limit: 10. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 4105
7 Mar (Sun) 2021: KAYAK NTH RICHMOND TO YARRAMUNDI (E-M, KAYAK) Starting from Hanna Park Nth Richmond paddling to Yarramundi. We may venture up the Grose for a short distance as well. Leisurely pace, bring morning tea and lunch and swimmers for a potential swim. Approx 8-12 km depending on the group on the day. Limit: 12. Map: Richmond.

WalkID: 1859
7 Mar (Sat) 2015: LINDEN RIDGE (M-Exp, Scrub?) Exploration of rock outcrops and associated overhangs for heritage features. From Glossop Road track end we will walk on fire trails approx 3km to the Mt Twiss and Linden Ridge junction. We will then somewhat systematically explore the extensive rock outcrops in the vicinity as well as around spot height 589 and the valley between with its small waterfall. Lots of small elevation changes and off track rambling. Return the same way. Please book using the web site. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2193
7 Mar (Mon) 2016: MEETING - AGM The annual general club meeting, your chance to be involved in how the club runs. By now you should have nominated people for committee positions. Come and vote for your favourite hard working committee members.

WalkID: 3725
7 Mar (Sat) 2020: NEPEAN RIVER CASTLEREAGH (E) Easy kayak trip from Devlin Rd approx 10 klm total on the Nepean. No ski boats on this section of the river. Bring PFD, morning tea and lunch. Will finish around lunch time. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 5252
7 Mar (Thu) 2024: PROSPECT TO CANLEY VALE (E-M, cycle) Cycle the Prospect Reservoir to Canley Vale loop. Approximately 35 km almost entirely on bike paths that are generally flat. We will cycle clockwise from Prospect Reservoir, east to Guilford where we will have a coffee break before heading south to Cabramatta for lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant (or bring your own lunch). After lunch we will head west to Abbotsbury and then north back to Prospect. Limit: 12. Map: Gregorys.

WalkID: 2938
7 Mar (Wed) 2018: SBC TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT (E, Social) Its on again for March. Enjoy a couple of hours of various games. Hit and giggle table tennis tournament, rotating with darts and croquet. Indoor games if the weather keeps us inside. 4pm to 6:30pm. BYO games equipment, refreshments and small afternoon tea to share. Limit: 12. Map: springwood.

WalkID: 3374
7 Mar (Thu) 2019: TOONGABBIE (M) Bike Ride. Toongabbie to Olympic park along the Parramatta River. Return by the same route. Mostly cycle paths with a few quiet roads and a few footpaths on busy roads. 42 km round trip. Morning tea at Parramatta cafe and lunch at Rhodes on Homebush Bay - buy it or bring your own. Limit: 14. Map: Gregorys.

WalkID: 1313
7 Mar (Thu) 2013: VALLEY VIEW SWAMP (E) Come for the day or just an hour or two. Help us get the swamp back in shape. The swamp supplies water (and weeds) to the Braeside area and ultimately finds its way to the Grose River. A range of weeds to choose from- honeysuckle, privet etc. Continue on from previous work. Lunch and morning tea provided. If interested please let me know by Wednesday 27th Feb. Limit: 0. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 779
8 Mar (Sat) 2011: CASTLE HEAD ABSEIL (M) KATOOMBA. We will descend from Narrow Neck down Castle Head.7 or 8 abseils up to 50 mts. Fantastic views into Jamison Valley, one of the most scenic lunch spots along the way. If time we will go up to Ruined Castle. Must have some abseil experience and your own gear. Rope fee applies. Car shuffle required. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2550
8 Mar 2017 (Wed) 2017: CLOUDMAKER IN A DAY (H) A 50 PEAKS WALK!! Across Kanangra Tops to Mt. Berry, then on to Mt. High and Mighty and Mt. Storm Breaker, then over Rip, Rack, Roar and Rumble to Mt. Cloudmaker. 5 Peaks and 4 Knolls; hard, fast and steep, with a very early start. Limit: 5. Map: Kanangra. Peaks bagged: 5

WalkID: 3738
8 Mar (Sun) 2020: INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK SASSAFRAS GULLY SPRINGW (E-M) INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK - Prospective members: This is a Sunday afternoon introduction to the Club and safe bushwalking practices. Come on an easy-medium standard walk down Sassafras Gully, to the pool at the junction of Sassafras and Glenbrook Creeks. Return will be via The Wiggins Track up to Yondell Rd. In all a 5 km walk with 200m descent and ascent. Rainforest with some rough sections of track. With the heavy rain earlier in the year, a number of trees have fallen on the track. The walk will include stops where we will discuss material in the introduction course. About 3.5 hours or a little more. Full members are invited to come along and will be very welcome. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood. Paul D 0407113806 pdaley48@gmail.com Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2598
8 Mar (Wed) 2017: MT VICTORIA (M) Headwaters of Grose River. 9.00am-3.00pm. Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River. We will continue on from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream and into the swamp. Be prepared for the possibility of creek wading. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book directly with Vanessa on (02) 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Monday 6th March. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson .

WalkID: 1892
8 Mar (Sun) 2015: POPES GLEN CREEK (E) Come along and extend the work of the Popes Glen Bushcare group further downstream to stop the weeds going over the edge. We will be working in the creek for most of the day so be prepared for wading. This is a joint NPWS and BMCC activity. Morning tea and Lunch provided Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 1818
8 Mar (Sun) 2015: SPRINGWOOD Leader\'s BBQ - invitation to all leaders to a planning and ideas event. Bring your maps. To see details, use the request button. Potential and existing leaders all welcome. Map: Springwood

WalkID: 4933
8 Mar (Wed) 2023: SUN VALLEY (E) CANCELLED A stroll along 6 km of fire trail from Sun Valley to Long Angle Road. Will require a car swap. This beautiful valley is one of several in the lower Blue Mountains that has a forest of magnificent bluegums. They were scorched in the 2013 fire, dropped their leaves and came back as good as ever. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1586
8 Mar (Sat) 2014: THE SPIT TO SHELLEY BEACH (M) Join me on my annual walk to Manly and Shelley Beach. Enjoy a snorkel in the marine reserve where you are guaranteed to see a wide variety of fish plus the resident gropers. Magnificent harbour views all day. Finish with fish and chips before boarding the ferry. 12k. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 1592
8 Mar (Sat) 2014: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) NATIONAL PASS: We'll start at Conservation Hut on the Nature Trail, walk via Edinburgh Castle Rock, through Lilians Glen and then Empress Falls. May get to see some Canyoners abseiling the falls. From here we follow the National Pass across to the bottom of Wentworth Falls. From the top of the falls we will take the Overcliff Track back to Conservation Hut for a cuppa. Waterfalls, spectacular views, approx. 300m descent/ascent. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2996
8 Mar (Thu) 2018: WOODFORD TRACK TO GLENBROOK (M) Ride from Woodford Station down the Woodford Track to Glenbrook NP the onto Glenbrook for lunch. Fire trails so off road tyres needed. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1301
9 Mar (Sat) 2013: BALLS HEAD & BERRY ISLAND (E) A leisurely paced walk on tracks, superb harbour views, aboriginal history, pristine sections of bushland with no significant hills. About 8 km. Limit: 12. Map: Gregory's Street Directory.

WalkID: 1308
9 Mar (Sat) 2013: BIRRABANG CANYON (M) This is a nice canyon in a spectacular gorge. Not a lot of swimming, but you will get wet, so wear thermals. Great pagodas on the exit track and lots of scrambling. Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 2188
9 Mar (Wed) 2016: BLACKHEATH (M) Wednesday 9th March - Popes Glen Creek, Blackheath 9-3:30pm. Spend the day extending the work of the Popes Glen Bushcare Group by working downstream to stop the weeds going over the Falls into the Grose Valley. Be prepared for wading in the creek. A joint NPWS / BMCC/SBC activity. Morning tea and Lunch provided. Book with Lyndal on 47805623 or lsullivan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au by Wednesday 2nd March at the latest. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3322
9 Mar (Sat) 2019: BLACKHEATH (M) Pope's Glen Creek (remote). (9.00am - 3.00pm). Spend the day extending the efforts of the Pope's Glen Bushcare Group by working downstream to stop the weeds spreading further into the National Park. Some work is in the creek so be prepared for wading. This is a joint BMCC/NPWS activity. Morning tea and lunch provided. Please note that you need to book in directly by Monday 18th February with Grant on 4787 3112 or at vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1378
9 Mar (Sat) 2013: BOWEN CREEK (E) Last canyon of the season - enter South Bowen via a small side canyon, reverse up the south branch until we can exit, return to Bells Line. No wetsuit, 3 easy abseils into side creeek. Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 5223
9 Mar (Sat) 2024: ERSKINE CREEK (H, Scrambling) This is a classic lower mountains walk. Long drive into the National Park. Visit Attic Cave to replenish the visitor book. Scramble our way down Pisgah Rock to the big pool for a swim then make our way up to Dadder Cave and replenish its visitor book. Hang out for a leisurely lunch in a lovely shady spot near a nice swimming pool. Swim at Lincoln Creek prior to exiting via Lincoln and Monkey Rope Creeks. Scrambling and river crossings. Minor scrub. 12km with 180m descent and punctuated ascent. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith .

WalkID: 2636
9 Mar (Thu) 2017: GLENBROOK (M, Road Bike) Cycle to the Regatta Centre Penrith for morning tea and back to Glenbrook for lunch. 40 km all on cycle ways or back streets. Limit: 16. Map: Glenbrook.

WalkID: 4051
9 Mar (Tue) 2021: GRAND CANYON BY NIGHT (M) Always a beautiful walk, but by night it's all different, with glow worms and fireflies. Bring supper and a hot drink for a break in the rotunda, before walking out via Neates Glen. Some steps. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 1317
9 Mar (Sat) 2013: GREEN GULLY (E) Tree and native vegetation planting. This is an ongoing activity that has involved members of the club over the past years. We have been planting, protecting and maintaining an area of degraded land near Dunphy\'s car park and camping ground. The area has magnificent views. The work is worthwhile and contributes to the club\'s profile with National Parks. You will need to bring work gloves, food and drinks. Limit: 0. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 1577
9 Mar (Sun) 2014: LINDEN (E) Paradise Pool. NOTE CHANGE OF DATE FROM 30th. Also I\'m away from 19th Feb to 7th March. No more than 3 kms return. Bring your children and grand children because this pool with its waterfall, sandy beach and easy walk in, really is a paradise for them. Enjoy a leisurely lunch and bring a book or just relax. Limit: 20. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1593
9 Mar (Sun) 2014: NEAPEAN RIVER (E) Willow Warriors Nepean River Conservation Kayaking Program - Black Willow monitoring. Paddling kayaks along sections of the Nepean River between Penrith and Windsor stopping to treat black willows as we go. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4941
9 Mar (Thu) 2023: PENRITH (E) Cycle from the bottom of Mitchels pass down to the river and out to Regentville . Morning.tea at Lewers then back to Glenbrook for lunch. Approx 45 klm Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3243
9 Mar 2019 (Sat) 2019: SAFE RECOVERY LESSON (H, kayaking) A Free three hour Safety Course with Sydney Harbour Kayaks. Using your own kayak is prefered. Kayak hire is $50.00 if required. Strictly limit of 8 with our own instructor on the day. Please see web site for further information, https://www.sydneyharbourkayaks.com.au/ Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 4492
9 Mar (Wed) 2022: WOODFORD (E-M) A half day walk: 5km: The Transit of Venus Track – Woodford: Edith, Hazel and Mabel Falls. Return the same way. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2973
10 Mar (Sat) 2018: AUDLEY - PORT HACKING (E, SOT OK) Start at Audley and paddle (with the tide) down the Hacking River to Danger Point or (if time permits) a secret picnic area on the west side of South West Arm. If it's still hot, swimming, tranquil waters, beautiful bush and a bit of history. Beginners and sit on tops OK (including mine). Return trip will be with the incoming tide. BYO kayak, but there may be hire available at Audley (I'm waiting for confirmation). There is an option of staying (beds and hot showers provided) at Bundeena and doing an exploratory paddle from Bonnie Vale on Sunday. Limit: 8. Map: Royal National Park.

WalkID: 2977
10 Mar (Sat) 2018: BEDFORD CREEK (E) Continuing the series of local historic walks in mid-mountains - this is a guided bushwalk with Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre. Treading a new but easy track especially made for this walk - swimmable pools in the silence of the bush and views of challenging sheer cliffs. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3314
10 Mar (Sun) 2019: BEROWRA WATERS (E, kayak) Paddle to Crosslands Reserve and back, 10 km with the tide both ways. Suitable for beginners with kayak hire available at the marina. Please bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 2298
10 Mar (Thu) 2016: BURRAGORANG LOOKOUT (M) Cycle to Burragorang Lookout from The Oaks, including the Nattai/ Mowbray loop road, with an option of a loop to Picton, Picton Hotel for lunch, then return to the Oaks. From Glenbrook, 45 minutes drive to The Oaks village. Then cycle 48 km circuit, with optional 20 km Picton circuit. All secondary roads, suitable for road bikes/ tyres. Bring morning tea, plenty of water. Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 5235
10 Mar (Sun) 2024: DUMBANO CREEK CANYON (E-M) This amazing area of Dumbano Creek hides some canyony bits (dumbano 'tunnels'), a cave, a rock island, and a couple of grottos. The fire trail has been out of action for a long time, but has been negotiated successfully to get to Gooch's Crater. There is a short walk in, some scrubby track to get to the tunnels, but nothing too difficult. You will get wet feet. Serious 4WD required to get to the area, there is a sandy patch and an eroded steep-ish hill. We have one car, would appreciate another. Limit: 8. Map: wollangambe.

WalkID: 1062
10 Mar (Sat) 2012: GREEN GULLY (E) Tree and native vegetation planting. This is an ongoing activity that has involved the club over the past years. We have been planting,protecting and maintaining an area of degraded land near Dunphy's car park and camping ground. The area has magnificent views. the work is worthwhile and contributes to the club's profile with National Parks. you will need to bring work gloves food and drinks. Limit: 0. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 3340
10 Mar (Sun) 2019: KANUKA BROOK - GLENBROOK (M) Kanuka Brook is pristine and beautiful. This is a classic lower mountains walk. Leave cars at Red Hands Cave carpark. Ridge and spur descent to S bend and its interesting caves, then downstream to the twin creek junction. Swim or relax. Ascend via rough track to fire trail and return 6km and 120m climb. Mostly off-track. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4149
10 Mar (Wed) 2021: LAWSON (E-M) A half day circuit walk: North Lawson Park: 5km approx: Danty's Glen, St Michael's Falls, Empire Pass, Frederica Falls, Echo Bluff, (The best echo in the mountains) and Fairy Falls. Between Frederica Falls and Echo Bluff we will take a track that avoids the steep slog up a fire road that goes to San Jose Avenue. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2964
10 Mar (Sat) 2018: MT VICTORIA (E) Headwaters of Grose River. 9-4pm. A joint NPWS/SBC activity. A chance to help us treat weeds where the Grose River begins and stop them from invading the wilderness and our upland swamps. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book directly with Vanessa by Thursday 8th March on 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au. Limit: 0. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 4469
10 Mar (Thu) 2022: OVERHANGS OF JUNGABURRA CREEK (M-Exp) Near the climber's track, we've spotted a great looking overhang. We'll go in via Jinki Ridge. Some rock scrambling. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

Introduction Walk

WalkID: 5248
10 Mar (Sun) 2024: SOUTH HAZELBROOK WATERFALLS (E) A lovely 6km round walk with at least 4 waterfalls including Victor, Terrace and Pyramid plus a shady rainforest-like creek and a very good-sized pool to swim in. On tracks with a few eroded sections. Leisurely pace. Suitable for children Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4127
10 Mar (Wed) 2021: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3688
10 Mar (Tue) 2020: SUPPER IN THE BUSH (E) Everything should have settled down and we can enjoy a much needed get-together, to see the full moon. Bring something to share and your plates, cutlery etc. Venue to be decided nearer the time. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1057
10 Mar (Sat) 2012: WARRAGAMBA DAM Lets go out for a "Dam" Breakfast. BBQ/or light brekkie, whichever is your way, come along and have it all at Warragamba Dam - bring everything you need for Brekkie - Undercover seating - gas BBQ's only allowed so if you have one bring it along if you want a hot brekki - Check out or revisit the new Info Centre and its digital tablet - The walls inside will speak for themselves - view a movie on how, when and why it all started - take a hike around the easy accessible dam area - there is heaps to see. - we will finish the morning off with a short bush walk. - If coffee is your calling for a refreshment on the way home Peppercorn Cafe on Mulgoa Road is a must. Contact by email only please. Map: Warragamba

WalkID: 1083
11 Mar (Sun) 2012: BENT'S BASIN AND LUNCH AT HOPEWOOD, WALLACIA (E) From Bent's Basin State Recreational Area, we walk along a fire trail to Campbell's Ford on the Nepean R. The fire trail has a mildly steep descent to the river. Total distance approx. 7 km. Then drive to Hopewood Health Retreat for buffet lunch, cost $25. The Retreat has beautiful grounds to relax in. Limit: 20. Map: Warragamba.

WalkID: 2599
11 Mar (Sat) 2017: BLACKHEATH (H) Govett's Creek, 8.30am - 4.00pm. Help ensure Govett's Creek remains free of weeds to protect the rare and endangered Epacris hamiltonii. Includes full day of walking off-track and wading down Govett's Creek. Be prepared for wet feet. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book directly with Vanessa on (02) 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Wednesday 8th March. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4921
11 Mar (Sat) 2023: DEVILS WILDERNESS HISTORY WALK (H) This walk was previously cancelled due to unfavourable weather and then the leader being struck down with covid followed by an assortment of post covid maladies! He is now back and ready for action! In 1804 the explorer George Caley descended into the Devils Wilderness via a pass that he describes in his journal in some detail. That pass is still there today just as Caley found it, unnamed and uncommermorated. We will trace a portion of Caley’s route, including the aforementioned pass, as far as the junction of Wilderness Brook and the Grose. From there we will follow the Grose downstream to a gully below Dark Creek where we will exit to Browns ridge and the fire trail back to Paterson Range and our vehicles. Hard off track with one 10 meter climb down. (With a hand line. Not too difficult!) Limit: 6. Map: Kurrajong.

WalkID: 146
11 Mar (Wed) 2009: Dinner at Faulconbridge Point (E) Ride out to Faulconbridge Point for dinner and to watch the moon rise, return by moonlight (but bring a light as well, the moon does cast shadows or it might be cloudy). Leave about 5:30, return by 10pm. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood, Kurrajong.

WalkID: 4097
11 Mar (Thu) 2021: FRANK WALFORDS CAVE (M) Out from Mt. Carne, on a spur overlooking Govetts Creek, is a cave used by Frank, former Mayor, explorer, poet and crocodile hunter. Come and see why he loved this place. Some rock scrambling, but heaps of views. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4173
11 Mar (Thu) 2021: GLENBROOK (M, Cycle) Cycle from Glenbrook to the White Water centre for morning tea then to the Regatta area and back to Glenbrook to have lunch in the park approx 45klm Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 160
11 Mar (Wed) 2009: Govetts Leap Morning Tea and Weeding (M) Govetts Leap Morning Tea and Weeding 9am-1pl\l - Weeding with a View- come and enjoy one of the best lookouts into the Grose Valley and at the same time stop the spread of weeds into the Grose Wilderness. A great morning tea will be available from 11 am- 12pm on site for all GGWW volunteers. Even if you can't stay drop in for morning tea and a chat. Contact Monica Nugent (ph) 47873108. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2613
11 Mar (Sat) 2017: HAT HILL CANYON (E-M) Re-scheduled due to fire risk on feb 12. A non-abseil easy canyon at Blackheath. Ideal for beginner canyoners, but a wetsuit is advisable (I have a couple for loan). One of the best-value canyons locally. As with all canyons, there are rock scrambles and deep pools (can't remember if there are any swims). Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba, Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 2626
11 Mar (Sat) 2017: MOUNT TWISS, LINDEN (E) Easy walk to claim another peak (we are running out of time). All on track. Enjoy spectacular views. Approx 10 km return. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 4523
11 Mar (Fri) 2022: MT VICTORIA (M) Grose River Headwaters - Mt Victoria (Remote). Friday 11th March 9:00am – 4:00pm Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River. We will be continuing from previous work to stop the weeds invading further downstream and into the Blue Mountains swamp. Be prepared for the possibility of wet feet. Scrumptious morning tea and lunch provided, and numbers are limited, so be sure to book! Please book with Grant asap on 0499 699 150 or grant.purcell@environment.nsw.gov.au Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 2932
11 Mar (Sun) 2018: NOTTS HILL MOUNT VICTORIA CREEK (M-H-Exp, Scrub, wet feet scram) From Notts Hill on Kings Tableland visit Sally Wattle Waterhole and then descend Sally Wattle ridge into a serpentine and probably very wild section of Queen Victoria Creek, Six maps shows a curious flat rock surface on the creek. Make our way down stream for up to 1km and exit via a hopefully gentle spur onto Notts Ridge Fire Trail. 10km with 50% on track and 150m elevation change. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3730
11 Mar (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4900
11 Mar (Sat) 2023: SWAN SONG (M) GOD'S WINDOW AND ORONGA RIDGE. As this will be our last walk for awhile, we are looking for something that encompasses all we love in THE BLUEYS. Views of The Grose Valley and Mt. Banks, of course! Not a long day, but may be emotional! PREFERENCE GIVEN TO OUR REGULAR WALKERS WHO HAVE SUPPORTED US OVER THE YEARS! Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 1073
11 Mar (Sun) 2012: SYDNEY HARBOUR, BALLS HEAD AND BERRY ISLAND (E) Approx. 7klms. with no significant hills. Aboriginal history, native bushland and outstanding harbour views, with plenty of shade if the day is hot. Limit: 8. Map: Sydney's Best Harbour and Coastal Walks.

WalkID: 1087
11 Mar (Sun) 2012: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Induction Course & Walk: After the Induction talk we will walk the National Pass, about 5 Kl in length Ring to book-in. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1893
11 Mar (Wed) 2015: WENTWORTH FALLS (E) The swamp is well on the way to recovery due to huge efforts in the past. Come and add your energies to the follow up effort to make sure work on Erica, Himalayan Honeysuckle, Agapanthus and Seaside Daisy. This is a joint NPWS and BMCC activity. Lunch and morning tea donated by the Hominy bakery. Limit: 8. Map: NPWS activity.

WalkID: 2634
11 Mar (Sat) 2017: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Jamison Creek Catchment Care. 9.30am-1.30pm. Joint NPWS/BMCC/SBC activity. A weeding activity in the section of Jamison Creek near the Charles Darwin walk. A small agile group is needed to meet Arthur Henry at the NPWS car park at Wentworth Falls and wade up this beautiful section of the creek checking for weeds until they meet up with another group who will be starting from Fletcher St and working downstream. Although the walking distance is very short, the aim of Arthur's group will be to cover a fair amount of creek line. Gum boots can be provided if you need some. Please reply directly to Monica Nugent ( by Monday afternoon 6th March if possible) if you wish to join up, on 4780 5528 or mnugent@bmcc.nsw.gov.au Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba .

WalkID: 3726
11 Mar (Wed) 2020: WOODFORD (E-M) A half day circuit walk though Wilson Glen Woodford: From the 20 Mile Hollow Cafe Woodford, we will enter Wilson Glen from Wide View Avenue, down to Isabel's Ladies Pool, then back to the Gypsy Cave and up to the Memorial Park via an old railway pedestrian crossing bridge, then across the highway and to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 782
12 Mar (Sat) 2011: BLACKHEATH (E-M, Push Bike Ride) Approx. 33 klms. A leisurely ride with no serious hills, (I have to dismount and push the bike about 300 metres) to two outstanding lookouts. Firstly Mount Blackheath on the Shipley Plateau followed by a coffee break in Blackheath then cycle out to Baltzer Lookout for lunch and definitive views of Hanging Rock and jump over a narrow gap to attain the rock. Photos will be taken of all members who reach the Base Jumping Ledge of Hanging Rock. These photos should be sensational. The ride is 50% on dirt roads (some rough and stony) and therefore more suitable for Mountain Bikes. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4874
12 Mar (Sun) 2023: FAREWELL TO FAVOURITE LEADERS JAN AND PHIL (Social) This event will be held in the afternoon and into the evening in a bush cave in the Blue Mountains. It will be a tribute, thanks, goodbye and celebration of the many good times and bush adventures organised and co-led by Jan and Phil. Simple fancy dress: its optional but please at least try to come in the bushwalking gear you started (or swam?) in, or as a convict, bushranger, mole, or other colonial personality! BYO drinks, a plate of savouries and a plate of sweets to share, torch, chair, and ALL required picnic gear including chairs and if you have one a table, packing out your own rubbish. Limit: 100. Map: Blue Mountains.

WalkID: 2166
12 Mar (Sat) 2016: GLENBROOK (M) Beginners abseil day. Come and try day. Practice basic abseil techniques. Starting with small abseils and go as big as you dare. I have some gear to lend beginners. Rope fee and NP entry fee applies. Limit: 5. Map: Glenbrook.

WalkID: 1594
12 Mar (Wed) 2014: GOVETTS LEAP LOOKOUT (E) Weeding with A View ? 9-1 pm. Come along and continue our work weeding at the spectacular Govetts Leap Lookout, where you can sit and enjoy the view over a special morning tea provided. PLEASE BOOK DIRECTLY WITH VANESSA on: 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au Limit: 20. Map: .

WalkID: 1898
12 Mar (Thu) 2015: MT VICTORIA (M) Bicycle ride, mountain bike. Mt Victoria along Mt York Rd, down Lawsons Long Alley to Hartley Vale. Turn left and cycle along road to Great Western Highway. About 3 km of dodging traffic along the highway shoulder, then cycle up Berghofers Pass and back to Mt Victoria. Mt York road is sealed, top part of Lawsons is rideable. Then there is a real rough, steep downhill where you will walk (the walk is easy). Then a \"nature trail\" that avoids private property, followed by an easy dirt road into Hartley Vale. There are no shops (apart from the lolly shop on the highway), so you need to bring all you need to eat or drink. Estimated time 3 hours. Limit: 20. Map: .

WalkID: 4483
12 Mar (Sat) 2022: NORTH HAZELBROOK AND LAWSON CIRCUIT (M-Exp, Scrub) A leg stretch starting from the end of San Jose Avenue. Visit Echo Bluff, Fairy Falls, Empire Pass, Fredrica Falls. Off track from the crest of the fire trail to explore base of cliffs across a hanging swamp to the vicinity of the comms tower. Savour the views then along the hanging swamp track to Queens Road Fire Trail. At spot height 691 we leave the track to ascend the ridge - hopefully going past the still recognisable heart of stone. More off-track along a ridge which features some extensive rock outcrops and then to the Blue Mountain Trig. Return via Binowee Ave and the Hughes Avenue short cut track. 15km with about 12 on track and lots of elevation changes which are generally smaller than 50m Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3753
12 Mar (Thu) 2020: NORTH RICHMOND (M, Cycle) Bike ride from North Richmond to Kurrajong, for coffee and great views, and return for lunch. Some hills, 30 km on tarred back roads. Bring or buy lunch which will be in Hanna Park, North Richmond by the river Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 808
12 Mar (Sat) 2011: WESTERN CREEK RIDGE (M-Exp, Scrub Cliffs) Exploratory local adventure for experienced walkers. Ascend spur where Glenbrook and Sassafrass Creeks join. Inspect significant rock platform spied on google earth and then descend upstream of the Perch Ponds. Return via the old Yondell track from Magdala Falls. Big day out Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4407
12 Mar (Sat) 2022: WHEENY GAP; AN ADVENTUROUS WALK (M-H) A walk with sub-tropical rainforest out from Bilpin. The track goes down steeply into an amazing gorge with a couple of waterfalls and plunge pools. Bring swimmers and shoes to cross the creek. Limit: 12. Map: Mountain Lagoon.

WalkID: 824
12 Mar (Sat) 2011: WOODFORD TO GLENBROOK (E-M, Push Bike Ride) Mountain bike ride from Woodford to Glenbrook via the Oaks Fire trail. One of the most popular rides, mostly downhill all on dirt. Meet Woodford train. Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 4150
13 Mar (Sat) 2021: BLACKHEATH (M) Porters Pass Bushcare (Remote). 8.30am-4.00pm. A BMCC activity. Come and join us in one of our new remote locations at Porters Pass, downstream of one of the 'Woody Weed Wander' sites, to treat holly. This is a beautiful Upper Mountains site and we will be working along the creek above the falls at the intersection of woodland and swamp vegetation. There will possibly be some walking in the creek so be prepared for wet feet. A medium level of fitness and some bushwalking experience is needed as there is scrambling involved.Please book in directly with Steve Fleischmann on 4780 5320 or at sfleischmann@bmcc.nsw.gov.au. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2336
13 Mar (Sun) 2016: Chiltern - Rutherglen Vic (E-M, cycling) Road ride from Chiltern to Rutherglen and on to Wahgunyah and Corowa using Chiltern Valley Loop cycle trail. About 70 km. Limit: 15. Map: Chiltern & district Victoria.

WalkID: 3749
13 Mar (Fri) 2020: EVANS LOOKOUT- GRAND CANYON- NEATES GLEN CIRCUIT (E-M) An oldie, but a goodie, not touched by recent fires. We'll do a circuit walk or a car at each end. 6.5km circuit or 4.5km, with 350 m descent/ascent. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3381
13 Mar (Wed) 2019: GLENBROOK (E-M) A half day circuit, start and finish at the southern end of Brook Road, Glenbrook. From Brook Road to Hillside Cr then a tunnel under the GWH to the RAAF Base and Knapsack Street. From there to Lapstone Zig Zag to Top Points Lookout. Then down under the GWH and up Tunnel Gully Creek and on to Darks Common, the Tramway and lookouts over Glenbrook Gorge and the Western Railway, then Chalmers Lookout with views to The Blue Labyrinth, from there back to the cars. Bring morning tea. The details of this walk were kindly provided by Robyn Hine. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1314
13 Mar (Wed) 2013: GOVETTS LEAP-WEEDING WITH A VIEW (E) Continuing our work in the Govetts Leap area treating the weeds along the creek line and walking tracks as well as some seedling maintenance whilst enjoying the spectacular views and a special morning tea. If interested please let me know by Monday the 11/3/13. Limit: 0. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4093
13 Mar (Sat) 2021: HAZELBROOK WATERFALLS (M) 2 short walks will enable us to visit several falls; the Transit of Venus Track, then the Burgess Falls Walking Track. Falls to encounter; Mabel, Edith, Burgess, Lyrebird and Horseshoe. On-track and maybe some swimming. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 821
13 Mar (Sun) 2011: HAZELBROOK WATERFALLS SOUTH SIDE - ADELINA FALLS (M) A ‘tour’ of six waterfalls on the south side of Lawson / Hazelbrook, and walking down to Bedford Ck for lunch. All on well made tracks. Limit: 20. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 411
13 Mar (Sat) 2010: HOBNAIL CANYON;RANGE CREEK (M, M) A few short swims and an abseil or two.Finishes in Bowen Creek,which is a magnificent canyon.Bring helmet,harness,wetsuit etc.Rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 4106
13 Mar (Sat) 2021: HOLE IN THE WALL CANYON (M-H) This canyon is out on Newnes Plateau. A longish day this canyon has many long sustained canyon sections plus a glow worm cave. 3 or 4 short abseils. Must have some abseiling experience plus your own gear. Limit: 8. Map: Woollangambe.

WalkID: 5244
13 Mar (Wed) 2024: LAWSON (E-M) A half day walk: 6km Approx: Lawson Ridge: Over the Blue Mountain and walking Lawson Ridge. Bush land on the ridge at first, then a series of rock platforms. At the final platform Stockton Look-down we will have morning tea with the best views to the northern Blue Mountains. We will return the same way, back along the ridge to the cars. Bring morning tea. On the drive home on Queens Road, I will stop for a ten minute look at Sunset Rock. If walkers can spare the time, it is certainly worth a look. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4119
13 Mar (Sat) 2021: LEADERS BBQ - SPRINGWOOD Venue is now Springwood, details sent when you log in. Our annual BBQ to share ideas, encourage and thank our amazing walk/kayak/bike leaders. Catering will depend on COVID rules but we will definitely provide drinks and some individually wrapped finger food. Due to relaxing of COVID rules we can now provide everything. If it rains we'll just have to squeeze inside.

WalkID: 4128
13 Mar (Sat) 2021: NEPEAN RIVER COBBITTY TO BENTS BASIN (H-Exp, kayaking) Kayaking from Cobbitty to Bents Basin and return 25km. Fast flowing water and portage involved. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 6. Map: Warragamba.

WalkID: 4503
13 Mar (Sun) 2022: NORTH WOODFORD (E) Transit of Venus 5km walk visiting beautiful Mabel, Hazel and Edith Falls. All on good tracks and steps. Sunday afternoon for those who can't do Andy's mid-week one or have things on in the morning. Bring afternoon tea. It can also be an introduction walk and talk Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 5250
13 Mar (Wed) 2024: RECCE VALLEY OF THE DINOSAURS MMB SCA (Exp) I havent done this walk before, so it is a recce (exploratory). I will be following gps traces and maps from various sources. I plan to visit Ultimate Slot and Valley of the Dinosaurs in the Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area, from the main (north) entrances. If we can find a non-difficult route up out of the gorge at the end, we will take it, otherwise, we will return the way we came. Then view the slot and gorge from above, via the firetrail. If the gate is open we will drive to the top of the Genlowlan Trail in my 4WD, otherwise theres a 1.5 km each way walk from the bottom. Expected grade is M-H. if the recce is ok I will put he walk on later as a graded walk. Expected grade H due to off-track. Limit: 4. Map: Glen Alice.

WalkID: 3357
13 Mar (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD CYCLE (E) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 8. Map: gregory.

WalkID: 4108
14 Mar (Sun) 2021: WINMALEE SHAWS CREEK YARRAMUNDI (M-Exp, Scrub?) CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN AND WET.Whitecross road, Shaws Ridge Trail then off track to the saddle between spot heights 302 and 325. Then downstream along the length of Shaws Creek. Visit cultural site. At least one reasonable swimming hole is expected. 9 bush km probably with usual rainforest and creek obstacles. Car shuffle. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 2338
14 Mar (Mon) 2016: CHILTERN FORESTS (E-M, cycling) Bitumen and gravel tracks around Chiltern forests visiting the Magenta Mine site. About 15 km, low hills. Limit: 18. Map: Chiltern Victoria.

WalkID: 141
14 Mar (Sat) 2009: Gladston Pass-Valley of the Waters (M) Descend down through a beautifull gully on an old unused tourist track then traverse aroud the bottom of the cliff line and exit up valley of the waters Limit: 8. Map: katoomba.

WalkID: 3718
14 Mar (Sat) 2020: KANGAROO CRK ROYAL NATIONAL PARK (E) Swim and walk down Kangaroo creek from the RFS shed in Heathcote. Depending on the party we will either car shuffle to Audley or walk out and return to the start. Some nice pools and some rock hopping. Limit: 6. Map: Port Hacking.

WalkID: 3697
14 Mar (Sat) 2020: LANE COVE NATIONAL PARK (E, Kayak) Kayak Lane Cove National Park, 10km return. Meet 9.30am for an easy paddle into the National Park on the Lane Cove River. Bring morning tea and lunch. Supply your own Kayak and PFD. Limit: 10. Map: Lane Cove.

WalkID: 3384
14 Mar (Thu) 2019: MT VICTORIA (H) Mountain bike ride Mt Victoria-Bell-Lithgow-Hartley Valley-Berghofers-Mt Victoria. Mostly off-road track Mt Vic to Bell, then dirt roads past colliery across to Old Bells Line of Road, then down State Mine hill into Lithgow for lunch. From there along Browns Gap Road and up to Mt Victoria. We normally do this from Lithgow to Bell and Mt Vic. Estimated time 3 hours to Lithgow, 1.5 to 2 hours Lithgow to Mt Vic. Rated as HARD just because it is longer than normal. Bring morning tea. Train leaves Springwood 7:42 am, arrived Mt Vic 8:42 am Limit: 12. Map: Lithgow, Hartley.

WalkID: 1889
14 Mar (Sat) 2015: MTS TOMAH, BANKS & WILSON Mountain photography and Aboriginal sites:Enjoy a combined social/walks event starting at Mt Tomah Botanic Gardens (free entry) for good coffee and viewing of the Ian Brown photographic exhibition. After starting out clean and respectable for the public we will travel down Bells Line of Road to view Aboriginal engravings in a cave, then climb halfway up Mt Banks to see axe-grinding grooves; On to Mt Wilson to explore controversial rock art and do a 5km walk with rock squeeze to finish. Latter two walks 5km approx; on track with some steep bits. Phone Virginia before 9pm on 0245 731632. Map: Mt Wilson 1:25,000

WalkID: 4565
14 Mar (Mon) 2022: NORWEST BEAUMONT HILLS ROUSE HILLS (M) New Bike Circuit - a 5 hr circuit suitable for road bikes using back roads and cycleways. Morning tea at a cafe and lunch at a noodle cafe (very nice food). Limit: 15. Map: Google maps - Cycleways.

WalkID: 161
14 Mar (Sat) 2009: Weeding RSPCA Mort Street Katoomba (E) RSPCA Mort Street Katoomba: 9 am - 12noon Activity - Support the work of the RSPCA by helping to protect and restore the land behind the animal shelter. A beautiful woodland and swamp, leads down to Katoomba Creek. Broom, holly and Berberis will be targeted during the day. Community Coordinator - Nona Wills 47823846 (Paul&Sue will not be able to participate on this date) Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1861
15 Mar (Sun) 2015: EARLY MORNING WALK SHAWS RIDGE- BLUE GUM SWAMP (E-M) Early Sunday morning leg stretch series continues. 7am start. Distance approx 7km at a maintained pace along Shaws Ridge Fire Trail and along the Blue Gum Swamp (BGS) fire trail. All tracks. Features a steep fire trail descent of approximately 100m and a gentle climb out of BGS. Should be lots of bird calls and magnificent forest scenery. Expected walk duration 2 hours - with limited stops means a sustained pace. Coffee/breakfast after at Winmalee or Springwood Cafe - then get on with your day. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4938
15 Mar (Wed) 2023: HAT HILL CANYON (E-M) It's going to be hot this week, so what could be better than heading down a cool canyon. It's a fairly easy 2km walk from Hat Hill carpark to the canyon entry/exit point (we will only do the lower section of the canyon) and there is a steep hill to get down. The canyon section is about 700m long, very pretty with interesting features at the end. There are no abseils, but there is rock and log scrambling, wading/swimming in cold water. Wetsuit is recommended and you need shoes with grippy soles that can get wet. Also need a dry bag/double plastic bags to keep stuff dry in your pack. We return the same way including up the steep hill. Extra information about carpooling, departure time and what to bring later. Let me know if you've never done a canyon before. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 4929
15 Mar (Wed) 2023: LAWSON (E-M) A half day circuit walk: North Lawson Park: 5km approx: Danty's Glen, St Michael's Falls, Empire Pass, Frederica Falls, Echo Bluff, (The best echo in the mountains) and Fairy Falls. Between Frederica Falls and Echo Bluff we will take a track that avoids the steep slog up a fire road that goes to San Jose Avenue. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1579
15 Mar (Sat) 2014: LEURA (E, E-M) Induction Talk & Walk. Rescheduled from Saturday 8th March. The compulsory induction talk for prospective members, followed by a pleasant walk on some of the lesser known tracks between Leura Cascades and the Three Sisters. Full members welcome to join the walk. 8-10km. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba..

WalkID: 1852
15 Mar (Sun) 2015: LINDEN (E) Family Sunday walk to Paradise Pool at Linden. Short 1.5km rough walk down to Pool for a swim and lunch by this beautiful Mountain pool, the children will love it. (Book online) Limit: 20. Map: .

WalkID: 149
15 Mar (Sun) 2009: Linden-Woodford (M) Follow Martin Place (Linden) to the end of the ridge, down the spur, across Glenbrook creek and up a likely looking spur and ridge to the Woodford fire trail. From there, it's a short walk (1km) to Woodford station. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood, Katoomba.

WalkID: 3004
15 Mar (Thu) 2018: LOWER PORTLAND FERRY (M) Cycle ride Lower Portland to Colo Heights, cross the Putty road,down to Colo River and follow Colo River back to Lower Portland. Est. 60 km. Only shop is at Colo Heights and needs a 6 km detour. Recommend mountain bikes, road bike might survive. Bring lunch and water. Limit: 16. Map: Ubd.

WalkID: 799
16 Mar (Wed) 2011: BLACKHEATH (E) Govetts Leap Weeding With a View - Wednesday 16th March 9am-1pm. Removing weeds from the magnificent Govetts Leap Lookout. There is also time to enjoy and restore your energy with an extra special morning tea. Limit: 20. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2184
16 Mar (Wed) 2016: BLACKHEATH (E) Weeding With a View - Govetts Leap (Blackheath) 9-1pm. An opportunity to spend the morning working at Govetts Leap lookout on a variety of weeds and native plantings that need some attention. After some hard work a special morning tea is provided to enjoy at a spectacular lookout. Book with Vanessa on 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Monday 14th March at the latest. Limit: 20. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2639
16 Mar (Thu) 2017: BLACKTOWN NTH (M) Bike Ride - Shorter Circuits No. 28 - Blacktown Nth , Marayong, Colbee A circuit ride suitable for road bikes following bike paths and back roads. We will stop for morning tea only at a Cafe Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3385
16 Mar (Sat) 2019: CATTAI (H-Exp, Kayak) Explore Cattai Creek and Little Cattai Creek 25 km return.bring morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Location change due to high winds forecasted. Limit: 8. Map: Wilberforce.

WalkID: 3323
16 Mar (Sat) 2019: KATOOMBA (M) Katoomba Creek (remote). (8.30 - 5.00pm). Continue the great work done by volunteers over 16 years in a remote section of Katoomba Creek. Bush regeneration experience and bushwalking experience essential. Off-track walking and wading along the creek. Morning tea and lunch supplied. Joint NPWS/BMCC activity. Book by 11th March on 4780 5623 or bushcare@bmcc.nsw.gov.au. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1578
16 Mar (Sun) 2014: LAWSON (E-Exp) Lawson Cave Falls. This will be an exploratory walk to find these falls described in the last Bushwalker magazine as \'very impressive\'. The pool sounds big enough for a swim with a \'log even for sitting on\'. The walk sounds quite easy - 30 minutes each way. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2340
16 Mar (Wed) 2016: MYRTLEFORD - BRIGHT VICTORIA (E-M, cycling) Cycle via Rail Trail from Myrtleford to Bright and return. Possible extension to see old Chinese gold diggings at Wandiligong. Gentle grade, total about 72 km. Limit: 20. Map: Victorian Rail,Trails.

WalkID: 4541
16 Mar (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E, cycle) Cancelled - Rain -Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 5221
16 Mar (Sat) 2024: SPRINGWOOD (H) SHARKS HEAD. Martins Lookout, Sharks Head, Lost World Lookout, Bunyan Lookout Martins Lookout. Will check and replenish visitors book at Sharks Head. 200m descent and ascent. Lots of views. A classic lower mountains walk. Some scrambling required. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4506
16 Mar (Wed) 2022: SUN VALLEY (E-M) An easy half day walk: 5km: From Sun Valley we will walk out and back on a very level fire road following Valley Heights Creek as far as the Fitzgeralds Creek Ford, then to rock shelters, off Fitzgeralds Creek. The valley has an abundance of tall eucalyptus trees. We are in a La Nina weather pattern meaning the high probability of rain. This walk being a wide walking track will suit the use of umbrellas so if you are that way inclined bring your brolly. Also bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1374
16 Mar (Sat) 2013: VICTORY TRACK, NUMANTIA FALLS (M) As our city walk isn't now on, we have exchanged it for this. An historical walk behind Faulconbridge, to see rock carvings and ancient steps and swim at Numantia Falls. It will be nice and cool along the creek and is only about 6klms. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1375
16 Mar (Sat) 2013: VICTORY TRACK, NUMANTIA FALLS (M) Substitute walk in place of city walk, Part 3. Victory track and Numantia Falls at Faulconbridge. It will be cool in the creek and we'll swim in the Falls. Approx. 6klms. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2796
17 Mar (Sat) 2018: 2 CAVES PLUS THE GARDEN OF EDEN (M) This walk takes advantage of our recent explorations near Rocky Creek. The quality of the coachwood forest and the magnificence of the Orchestra Pit Cave and the Music Bowl Cave, make a wondrous day out. Off-track! Limit: 12. Map: Rock Hill.

WalkID: 1069
17 Mar (Sat) 2012: CANYON TRIP, GLEN DAVIS (H) From the campground at Coorongooba, we'll do the scary (for me) climb to the tops above and abseil this iconic canyon of 4 abseils up to 25 metres, which are all clean flowing. Bring harness and helmet and probably thermals. $5 rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Gospers Mountain.

WalkID: 3360
17 Mar (Sun) 2019: COLLIERS CAUSEWAY, BLACKHEATH (E) As described on Bushwalking NSW - https://bushwalkingnsw.com/walk.php?nid=809 - Colliers Causeway is one of the less well publicised tracks, and is quite spectacular in its own right. Passing along ledges, under waterfalls and on top of cliffs, it offers a great deal of variety in a short distance. Includes Centennial Glen, the grotto, and more. 4 hours, 9km, 200m ascent. Limit: 12. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 3361
17 Mar (Fri) 2000: COLLIERS CAUSEWAY, BLACKHEATH (E) As described on Bushwalking NSW - https://bushwalkingnsw.com/walk.php?nid=809 - Colliers Causeway is one of the less well publicised tracks, and is quite spectacular in its own right. Passing along ledges, under waterfalls and on top of cliffs, it offers a great deal of variety in a short distance. Includes Centennial Glen, the grotto, and more. 4 hours, 9km, 200m ascent. Limit: 12. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 1097
17 Mar (Sat) 2012: FORTRESS CREEK CANYON (E-M, abseils) (Weather permitting). An easy canyon with relatively easy access from a fire trail off Mt Hay Road. One 8m abseil and a jump, some constrictions and swimming. The canyon ends where we can enjoy a spectacular pool looking over the Grose Valley while eating lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1885
17 Mar (Tue) 2015: GREAT NORTH WALK PART 1B (E-M, Exploratory) Walk up the main spine of Lane Cove National Park. Walk through dry grass tree and eucalypt forest and along the ferny and moist valley beside Lane Cove River. See the strangely named Pass which is some stone steps built during the depression which have some rock engravings with 1930\'s style political satire Limit: 8. Map: Sydney street map.

WalkID: 1074
17 Mar (Sat) 2012: HISTORICAL WALKING TOURS IN THE CITY (E) 1. Colony: The Rocks and Millers Point, pubs, churches, archaeological digs and houses all evoke memories of past lives, past ways. 2. Sydney's Little Laneways: Explore the city's laneways and minor streets, the ones the casual passer-by doesn't see. About 4 hours of wandering. Bring lunch, or buy your own in town. Limit: 8. Map: Sydney Gregorys.

WalkID: 4176
17 Mar (Wed) 2021: IKARA HEAD (E) Half day walk with Pink Flannel Flowers to a great lookout. Bring morning tea back for lunch time. Limit: 10. Map: Mt wilson.

WalkID: 2337
17 Mar (Thu) 2016: Myrtleford - Miliwa Victoria (E-M, cycling) Cycle via Rail Trail from Myrtleford to Everton and on via minor roads to Milawa wine district. Visit Brown Bros Winery, Cheese Factory etc. About 85 km. Limit: 15. Map: Myrtleford & Milawa.

WalkID: 2952
17 Mar (Sat) 2018: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH (M, kayak) Paddle up the Nepean River and return. Finish before lunch.Bring morning tea and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2635
17 Mar (Fri) 2017: NP GLENBROOK PLANT NURSERY (E) Friends of Glenbrook 3rd Friday plant seed nursery day. Easy day at the nursery doing the on going seed planting etc. This is a on going learning about propagating, for planting back into the park at Glenbrook. All welcome as we are all learner at this time. Hope to see some new people. Limit: 20. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 3339
17 Mar (Sun) 2019: SPIT TO MANLY - ICONIC HARBOUR SIDE WALK (M) Train then bus to the Spit. Sandy Bay, Clontarf Beach, Grotto Point, Castle Rock, Dobroyd Point, Forty Baskets Beach, North Harbour, Fairlight and Manly. Your guide has local knowledge of the area and can regale with semi-interesting factoids and tales of yore. Emergency icecream/sorbet or ozzie pie prior to boarding ferry and then return via train. 10km with minor flights of steps. Languid pace with time for swims at our choice of Clontarf, Forty Baskets, Fairlight or Manly baths. Limit: 12. Map: Street directory.

WalkID: 4168
17 Mar (Wed) 2021: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3005
17 Mar (Sat) 2018: WOLLANGAMBEE #2 (M) It's going to be a hot weekend and I haven't done a lilo trip this season. So let's go! Start at Cathedral of Ferns camp. Walk in 3.5km via the Serendipity exit track, a leisurely 2km paddle down the Wollangambee River canyon to the big bend exit. Then the 3km relatively easy uphill walk back to cars. You need lilo, wetsuit/thermals (water might be cold after rain) and lunch, dry clothes etc in dry bag. Limit: 8. Map: Wollangambee.

WalkID: 3003
18 Mar (Sun) 2018: BEDFORD RANGE AND BEDFORD CREEK (M-Exp, Off track) From the locked gate near Murphys Glen, explore a large rock outcrop and make our way to a large beached pool on Bedford Creek for a swim. Then a steady slow climb to explore an interesting horse-shoe fall. Early start to beat the heat. Lots of stops. 4km with 150m climb. Limit: 8. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 2994
18 Mar (Sun) 2018: HISTORIC SAWMILL - FAULCONBRIDGE (E-M, scrub) A half-day walk to the location of the famed sawmill on Linden Creek. We walk down the route of the funicular (long gone) to the remnants of a sawmill used to cut logs for telegraph poles in the early 1900's (allegedly). Return via a track to St Georges Crescent. Suitable for new members, but there is some rock scrambling. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4524
18 Mar (Fri) 2022: KATOOMBA (M-H) 1st Katoomba Creek (Remote). Friday 18th March 8.30am – 5:00pm Continue the great work done by volunteers over 16 years in a remote section of Katoomba Creek. Bush regeneration and bushwalking experience are essential. It will involve off-track walking and wading along the creek. Morning tea and lunch supplied. This is a joint NPWS and Blue Mountains City Council activity, and numbers are limited! To book in contact Steve Fleischmann (Blue Mountains Council) by Wednesday 11th March on 4780 5623 or 0426 986 246 or at sfleischmann@bmcc.nsw.gov.au Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3731
18 Mar (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4899
18 Mar (Sat) 2023: SPRINGWOOD (E) Leaders' barbeque. No we are not barbequeing the leaders. This event is for people who have led walks or are thinking of leading walks/activities. An annual event, it lets leaders and potential leaders discuss aspects of leadership and whatever else. The location is at Brian (Barney) Stevens house/extensive yard. Food will be supplied, BYO drinks and maybe chair - some chairs available. Sturdy shoes are recommended; there are some ups and downs. REMEMBER YOU NEED TO SIGN ON IF YOU ARE COMING. Limit: 40. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3747
18 Mar (Wed) 2020: WOODFORD (E-M) An easy half day walk: From NP gate along Murphys Fire Trail to a rock cave. Morning tea on a rocky outcrop above the cave, then a tour of Linda Rock on our way back to the cars. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 2589
18 Mar (Sat) 2017: WOODFORD EXPLORE (E-M-Exp, Scrub Cliffs?) From Woodbury St, Mabel and Hazel Falls, T3 Trail, Ridge 607, Highway Monument, Wilson Glen, Gypsy Pool and Memorial Park. Some interesting places near suburbia. Includes some off track approx 7km with no huge hills. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 3641
19 Mar (Thu) 2020: BIRRABANG CANYON (M) Birrabang is a walk-through canyon and a great introduction to an amazing landform. You WILL get wet feet! Off-track, with a short, steep climb in and out. Great for wild flowers. Bring a dry bag; maybe thermals, and dry gear to change in to afterwards. FULL Limit: 10. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 138
19 Mar (Thu) 2009: Circular Quay to Waverton (E) Walk from Circular Quay over the Harbour Bridge ( it is its Birthday) onto Kirribilli and Waverton then catch the ferry back. This is all for $2.50 if you are old enough. Limit: 10. Map: Katrina O'Brien Book.

WalkID: 4922
19 Mar (Sun) 2023: GOOCHS CRATER VIA DARGANS ARCH (M) Goochs crater is a popular destination that has a special connection to Springwood Bushwalkers. We will approach from the south side, visiting Dargans Arch, which is worth a visit in its own right. Pagodas, sweeping vistas and (most of the time!) relatively easy walking. Approx 8 kilometers with 2.5 kilometers of it off track. Limit: 8. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 4141
19 Mar (Fri) 2021: KATOOMBA CREEK (H) remote) bushcare. 8.30am - 5.00pm. A BMCC/Bushcare activity. This activity has been re-scheduled after being postponed from last December. Continue the great work done by volunteers along a unique and little visited section of the Katoomba Creek. Bushwalking and regeneration experience is essential for this trip as it involves off track walking, wading in the river and working with a backpack. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we can't provide or share morning tea and lunch (please bring your own). Numbers will be strictly limited and bookings are essential. Book (or re-book)with Steve on 4780 5623 or sfleischmann@bmcc.nsw.gov.au Limit: 9. Map: Katoomba. Helen R 0409987372 helenrose66@gmail.com Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2225
19 Mar (Sat) 2016: Megalong Valley (E) Green Gully tree planting day to continue the good work being done to rehabilitate this area. About 1000 trees have been planted so far, but there is still much to be done. New helpers are always welcome! Start at 8.30 at Dunphy's carpark, Megalong Valley. Bring gloves, tools for digging and lunch. For more information or to book contact Ian Olsen 024787 7182. Limit: 12. Map: Jenolan.

WalkID: 848
19 Mar (Sat) 2011: MOUNT SOLITARY (E-M) Beginning from the Golden Stairs we will descend to Federal Pass then stroll through the forest to the foot of the Korowall Knife Edge. Scramble up the Knife Edge to the start of the summit plateau where we shall have lunch. Return same way. PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba : Jamison.

WalkID: 3748
19 Mar (Thu) 2020: MT WILSON WOLLANGAMBE 1 LILO (E-M) Things are finally open! So let's go lilo-ing. Walk down from Mt Wilson RFS, blow up your air mattress and float downriver about 3km through towering cliffs. Some rock-hopping and maybe some scrambling over river debris after the rains, but easy. The "medium" is the exit - a bit of a steep scramble up at first then a walk uphill about 2km back to cars. You'll need an air mattress and wetsuit/thermals which I might be able to lend you. Call and talk to me if you haven't lilo-ed before. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson, Wollangambe.

WalkID: 2339
19 Mar (Sat) 2016: MYRTLEFORD - BEECHWORTH VICTORIA (E-M, cycling) Cycle from Myrtleford to Beechworth via Rail Trail. Return via Stanley. Gradual climb up to Beechworth, steep decent on bitumen road after Stanley. About 80 km. Limit: 14. Map: Victorian Rail Trails.

WalkID: 4540
19 Mar (Sat) 2022: NEPEAN RIVER WINDSOR (M, Kayak) 10-15km easy paced paddle from Windsor towards Richmond reviewing the flood damage. The river is at a safe level, dropping quickly and will continued to be monitored. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 12. Map: Windsor.

WalkID: 1917
19 Mar (Thu) 2015: PROSPECT (M-Exp) Prospect Reservoir to Western Sydney Parklands. It\'s \'Exploratory\' cause I\'ve only done two thirds of it, mainly the start & finish. Barney\'s done the middle so we\'ll be right. A few hills but the view is worth it & all on sealed roads within the park and some local roads and cycleways. The majority will be suitable for road bikes, but we will be visiting an off road trail established by Council which is only suitable for MTBs. This trail has 3,6 & 12km options. If you bring your \'roady\' you will have to sit it out! Then down Elizabeth Drive by bike path back into the Park,then thru some mainly quiet local streets & back to the Prospect via a cycleway. Distance depending on final route (& is estimated to include the 12km track) about 35km. We will head for Calmsley Hill City Farm where there is a cafe for lunch or BYO. Don\'t forget your fluids! Limit: 12. Map: .

WalkID: 2614
19 Mar (Sun) 2017: ROCKY CREEK (E-M, wetsuit needed) In my opinion, the best of the non-abseiling canyons - this one has everything, dark sections, pools, climb downs, the washing machine and it even had a koala (it fell into the canyon - see it on facebook). Wetsuit required. OK for beginners, as long as you are OK with wet slippery rocks. And can swim! Limit: 8. Map: Rock Hill.

WalkID: 2149
19 Mar (Sat) 2016: SCIMITAR SLOT; CELESTIAL CHAMBERS (M) Last time we were here we froze, as 4 was the top temp. so we missed some of the best cave galleries. An old, scrubby road leads in, then off-track into a world of wonders. Some rock scrambling with a tape assisted descent. Limit: 10. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 4484
19 Mar (Sat) 2022: SOUTH SPRINGWOOD CULTURAL WALK (M) This walk encompasses the best cultural features of Springwood, discovered over many years of local exploration. Descend Sassafrass Gully and view the stone ruins, and try to decipher the runes of Paddy's grave, check out Stratton's amphitheatre and the 90 year old stone cross. Then along the Victory track and more rainforest track walking to Numantia Falls. Later we will browse the excellent and unique art gallery. Thence following traces of track to the saddle to view Kangaroo iconography, then down the Sassafrass knife edge spur to savour its overhangs. On the way out we will follow Sassafrass Creek and visit the Perch Ponds, Magdala Falls and re-discover the forgotten steps of the old Yondell linking track. Approximately 10km with two 200 m ascents and descents. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 3758
19 Mar (Thu) 2020: STRATHFIELD (M) Cycle Strathfield to Botany Bay. A leisurely, flat ride along cycle paths and local roads to the bay and back, mostly along Cook's River. Morning tea at Earlwood and a fish and chips lunch (or BYO) at Brighton le Sands. The hardy can swim at lunchtime. The distance is approximately 45 km and the ride will take approximately four hours. Limit: 12. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 1321
20 Mar (Wed) 2013: GLENBROOK (E-M) Walk from Railway Station to Glenbrook Creek and follow it down and out to Red Hands Cave and circuit. Creek walking, then all on tracks. Limit: 10. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2641
20 Mar (Mon) 2017: SPRINGWOOD Committee Meeting. Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 405
20 Mar (Sat) 2010: BIKE RIDE (E-M, E-M) A relaxed pace, Cycle from Tempe to Cape Solander in Botany Bay National Park. The route is along bike tracks, quiet suburban streets, and a section of Captain Cook Drive, (this section is along a wide bike track and is quite safe). On arriving at Botany Bay National Park we shall visit several monuments to Captain Cook and his cohorts before cycling on to the whale-watching platform at Cape Solander. (A short off road section through a forest is optional). We shall retrace our route on the homeward leg. All up approx 70 klms with no serious hills. (I do not have to dismount and push the bike). Limit: 10. Map: Gregory’s Sydney Street Directory.

WalkID: 484
20 Mar (Sat) 2010: Geronimo Canyon (E-M, E-M, abseils) Canyon on the far side of Wollangambe. Wetsuits are required. There are a couple of abseils with awkward starts. From the Mt Wilson Fire station cross the Wollangambe, climb the other side at the tourist track and enter the creek from a side gully. The canyon is nice without being wonderful with one or two short swims. Walk back along a very pretty section of the Wollangambe. Not a long day. Limit: 6. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 3750
20 Mar (Fri) 2020: GLENBROOK (M) Volunteering Glenbrook This is a combined activity with the NPWS weeding invasive weeds in the National Park at Euroka clearing. Need to bring morning tea and lunch plus plenty of water to drink. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith .

WalkID: 459
20 Mar (Sat) 2010: Induction Walk & Course (E, E) Please note: CHANGE OF WALK DETAILS as the Grand Canyon is closed till mid June 2010. We shall now do the walk from Govetts Leap to Pulpit Rock and return. is is a great short walk with the best of views. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 460
20 Mar (Sat) 2010: Induction Walk & Course (E, E) Please note: CHANGE OF WALK DETAILS as the Grand Canyon is closed till mid June 2010. We shall now do the walk from Govetts Leap to Pulpit Rock and return, this is a great short walk with the best of views. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 416
20 Mar (Sat) 2010: Induction Walk & Course Blackheath (E-M, E-M) We shall go and do the Grand Canyon & Neates Glen walking track and check out all the new track work that has been going on for months. This is a very pretty glen & gully with about 12 water crossings. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2206
20 Mar (Sun) 2016: NAVIGATION TRAINING (E, scrub, off track) Date changed due to Easter: An introduction to bush navigation for beginners (and experts who want some practice). We cover the basic theory of finding your way with map and compass in the bush. We'll spend the rest of the morning trying not to get lost while locating a series of checkpoints on the map. Map supplied, but you need an orienteering compass. The course is an area near Blue Gum Swamp at Winmalee, and we'll be back soon after lunch. Repeat participation welcome - we've changed the route! Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4135
20 Mar (Sat) 2021: NAVIGATION TRAINING - BELL (E-M, off track) Learn how to use a compass and map in the bush. Map supplied but you'll have to beg, borrow or bring your own orienteering compass. Start near the truck checking station at Bell, follow a couple of ridges and creeks to an amazing area of pagodas and creeks that we've found on a previous trip. The area was recently burnt so scrub is minimal. We should finish mid-afternoon, maximum up and down is about 170m, distance about 5-6km. Beginners OK, or come along if you can navigate and want some practice. It's an interesting area anyway. Limit: 10. Map: Mount Wilson, Wollangambe.

WalkID: 4504
20 Mar (Sun) 2022: SOUTH LAWSON (E) One of the best easy walks in the mountains with 5 waterfalls in less than 3 km. Sunday afternoon for those who have things on in the morning. Opportunities to get wet. Children welcome. Can be an introduction walk and talk. We can carpool from Springwood so indicate if you want to do that. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3383
20 Mar (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E-M) A half day walk: Sassaffras Gully, The Victory Track, Namantia Creek to Namantia Falls and return. This will be a shady walk, mostly in rain forrest and cooler if the weather is warm. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 3358
20 Mar (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD CYCLE (E) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 449
20 Mar (Sat) 2010: SYDNEY HARBOUR NAT.PARK (M, M) Enjoy a day on the harbour,walking around North Head and the old Quarantine Centre.Swim at beautiful secluded coves,with a fish supper to finish.Public Transport.$2.50 all day for SENIORS. Limit: 12. Map: Harbour and Coastal Walks,Katrina O'Brien..

WalkID: 2157
20 Mar (Sun) 2016: WALKS FOR OUR NEXT PROGRAM Current and potential leaders, why not put a walk or two on the next program? If you haven't lead a walk or other outdoor activity for a while, then now is the time to put it on the next program. Simply log in and click the My Walks button to get started. Nominal deadline is the 20th of March and the program runs through to May. The weather is usually great for walking in Autumn. Its a great time of year for getting out and about. Go for it - remember our 50 peaks target starts in April as does 50 days of activities to celebrate 50 years of SBC.

WalkID: 5253
20 Mar (Wed) 2024: WOODFORD (E-M) A half day circuit walk to Paradise Pool: 9km approx: We will walk from Glen street to Bulls Camp. From Bulls Camp to the Railway Weir on Bulls Creek, then down Bulls Creek to the Steam Driven Water Pump Foundations. From there on to Paradise Pool (which is on Bulls Creek) then via rock shelves and open bushland on the northern side of a ridge with views to the hidden eastern arm of Woodford Lake. Then onto Wellesley Fire road and a side trip to Jon's Seat where we will get views to the headwaters of Woodford Creek. Next onto Woodford Road, Woodford and the Twenty Mile Hollow Cafe. Bring morning tea. For those who wish can take a swim in Paradise Pool. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 482
21 Mar (Sun) 2010: Birrabang Canyon (E-M, E-M) This is just a delightful canyon lots of yabbies to see, no abseiling can get wet or stay dry depends on water height. Thermals & volleys required.Ring if intrested. Limit: 10. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 3648
21 Mar (Sat) 2020: BOARS HEAD ABSEIL (H) Great views across to Mt. Solitary as we abseil down; 45 metres down a wall. There are another 6 abseils, plus the Leap of Faith! Walk out on the Ruined Castle Track. Bring abseil gear and helmet. Not for beginners! $5 rope fee applies. Limit: 8. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 129
21 Mar (Sat) 2009: BOX CREEK FALLS (M) Try no. 2 after we were rained out on the last program. Kowmung River Trail-Gillespies Lookout-Box Creek Falls. A short walk in Kanangra-Boyd N.P. to a series of waterfalls and swimming holes. Some scrambling to get down to the bottom of the falls. Limit: 12. Map: Kanangra.

WalkID: 3665
21 Mar (Sat) 2020: CATARACT RIVER DOUGLAS PARK (H-Exp, Kayak) Exploring the Cataract and Nepean Rivers at Douglas Park.Two by 12 km trips, starting and finishing at the same location. Limit: 12. Map: Picton.

WalkID: 465
21 Mar (Sun) 2010: Dantes Glen to Frederica Falls (E, E) This half-day walk follows the creek below Dantes Glen to Frederica Falls. We will be walking along Empire Pass through shady rainforest contrasting with the cascades of Frederica Falls. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2936
21 Mar (Wed) 2018: HARRIS HILL EQUINOX PICNIC - WENTWORTH FALLS (E) CANCELLED due to ill health and poor weather. Will do a rain check. Gourmet picnic to celebrate the equinox! A short esky-proof 250m walk with 50m ascent with a minor scramble from Kings Tableland road to the summit of Harris Hill. Harris Hill has one of the best views I know of in the Blue Mountains. The summit includes a large flat rock platform, suitable for languishing on picnic rugs. BYO gourmet picnic kit with food item to share. Best dish wins the highly coveted gourmet picnic trophy! Maybe a 3km prandial fire trail stroll to neraby Centre Mount? or just recover under a tree. Limit: 30. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1904
21 Mar (Sat) 2015: HAT HILL CANYON (E-M) Because this is such a good value canyon, we\'ll do it again, while it\'s still warm enough for canyons. Easy access, no abseils, close to Blackheath and full of ferns and moss. You\'ll need a wetsuit and shoes that can get wet, but no ropes or abseils. Limit: 8. Map: Mount Wilson.

WalkID: 3399
21 Mar (Thu) 2019: KURRAJONG (E-M, Cycle) Bike ride from North Richmond to Kurrajong, for coffee and great views, and return for lunch. Some hills, 30 km on tarred back roads. Bring or buy lunch which will be in Hanna Park, North Richmond by the river Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4109
21 Mar (Sun) 2021: LINDEN RIDGE (M-Exp, Scrub, Cliffs?) Linden Observatory via Kings Own Regiment and various other known cultural features in the vicinity. Explore the spur directly to the south of Mt Twiss and to the NW W and SW of spot height 589. 4Km on track and 3km? off track 200m descent and ascents. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood, Katoomba.

WalkID: 1912
21 Mar (Sat) 2015: WALKS PROGRAM REMINDER Our program deadline for activities for April, May and June is due on the 25th. April to June is a fabulous time for bushwalking. Please log in to our website, select My Walks and put a walk on. If you have not lead a walk or are thinking of leading a walk for the first time. Please have a go.

WalkID: 1842
21 Mar (Sat) 2015: WATERFALL WALK (M) Close to Lawson and Bullaburra, yet 1,000km from care. We\'ll start on the waterfalls in these beautiful cool gullies, then on to Terrace Falls to finish at Willawong Pool, which is big enough for a relaxing swim. Some of the rocks can be slippery. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3709
21 Mar (Sat) 2020: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) Charles Darwin Walk - Edinburgh Castle Rock. AMENDED WALK - As the Charles Darwin walk is currently closed due to recent flood damage, we will be starting this walk via Edinburgh Castle Rock and Lilians Glen. We may detour to the base of Empress Falls and continue to Wentworth Falls via a combination of the Undercliff/Overcliff and Short cut tracks. Side trips to visit lookouts along the way will also be explored. This walk should take no more than 3-4 hours approx, with some significant steps on the way in. Hopefully the ferns will be coming back to life with all the rain we are having. Bring morning tea and lunch. Meeting spot to be confirmed. Limit: 10. Map: Wentworth Falls.

WalkID: 5260
22 Mar (Fri) 2024: BILPIN - MT IRVINE - MT WILSON. (H) Cycling. Early start. 46km. At least 600m of climbing. Bilpin - walk the closed and rough Mt Irvine Rd (Bowen Ck Trail) - public road Mt Irvine Rd, to see Turning Of The Leaves, in The Avenue at Mt Wilson. Return the same way, via Kookootonga Chestnut and Walnut Farm, to buy and roast our own, before descending back to Bowen Ck and up to Bilpin. Limit: 8. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 1894
22 Mar (Sun) 2015: BLACKHEATH - BRAESIDE (E) Come along and give an extra pair of hands to the Braeside Bushcare group to help plant over 200 seedlings to assist the rehabilitation of the downstream swamp. Morning tea and lunch provided. Limit: 8. Map: NPWS activity.

WalkID: 2638
22 Mar (Wed) 2017: GLENBROOK (E) Nursery instruction day at Glenbrook bring morning tea and lunch and something to drink. This is the first day of a 8 week Plant propagation course run by TAFE Wentworth Falls is a free course ne exams at the end only that we are growing plants at the end. The course will run for 8 sessions and be fortnightly. Limit: 20. Map: penrith.

WalkID: 1604
22 Mar (Sat) 2014: MT SOLITARY (M) Beginning from the Golden Stairs we will descend approx. 200m to Federal Pass then stroll through the forest to the foot of the Korowall Knife Edge. Scramble up the Knife Edge (approx. 300m ascent/descent)to the start of the summit plateau where we will have lunch. Return same way. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba:Jamison.

WalkID: 1570
22 Mar (Sat) 2014: PAGODA GARDENS (M-H) A beautiful walk through a canyon, with some climb-downs, but good for most agile walkers. Prepare to get your feet wet. Time after to have a look at Wolgan Falls and some fabulous pagodas. Not a long distance to walk. Limit: 10. Map: Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 186
22 Mar (Sun) 2009: RUINED CASTLE (E) Walk from Golden stairs on Narrowneck and return same way. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2983
22 Mar (Thu) 2018: TOONGABBIE (M) BIKE RIDE Loop No. 34 - Marsden Pk Rouse Hill Glenwood A 5hr Loop ride along Bike paths suitable for road bikes. We will ride the new sections of Bike paths recently completed along Schofields Rd. Stopping at a Cafe for morning Tea and maybe the Ettamough Pub for lunch (group option to bring lunch to eat in nearby park?). Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1084
22 Mar (Thu) 2012: UPPER GROSE RIVER (Exp, M-H) Start at Darling Causeway. Down the Engineers Track to Surveyors Creek then up and around Ikara Head. Some off track and will involve quite a bit of bush bashing. Approx 7 km and 400m ascent. Joint activity with The Bush Club. Limit: 6. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 4930
22 Mar (Wed) 2023: WOODFORD & LINDEN (E-M) A half day circuit walk to Paradise Pool: 7km approx: From Bulls Camp to Linden via a track below the GWH, then on a track to the Bulls Creek avoiding Cox's Road and the Stairway to Paradise. We will then follow Bulls Creek to Paradise Pool. Bring your swimmers if you what to swim. We will explore the sand strip between Paradise Pool and the backup water of Woodford Lake. Return to Bulls Camp by following the Bulls Creek Track. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1636
23 Mar (Sun) 2014: BRAESIDE BLITZ (E) This is a NPWS event & is part of the 2014 Swampcare Program. Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 4546
23 Mar (Wed) 2022: LAPSTONE ZIG-ZAG HISTORIC WALK (E-M) A circuit walk for people with an interest in the history of Blue Mountains road and rail construction. Generally easy grade, with one steep ascent and descent. We’ll walk from Barnet St to the old rail tunnel, across Knapsack Reserve to Elizabeth Lookout, down to the magnificent Knapsack Bridge and old GWH, then up to the rail zigzag cutting. A short wander through a bit of suburbia and a trail along beside the highway will bring us back to our cars. Total of about 6.5km. Should be finished by 12:30. Limit: 10. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4520
23 Mar (Wed) 2022: LINDEN (E-M) A half day walk on Linden Ridge: 8km approx: Linden Ridge to 4th Kings Own Regiment rock engravings and Aboriginal sharpening grooves and the Echidna Train. We will look at the ruins at an old private Sydney school property that was pre National Park. Morning tea will be on a rock platform with westerly views to Mount Twiss and northerly views into the valley of Dawes Creek and Dawes Ridge beyond. This is a great winter walk. We are in a La Nina weather pattern meaning the high probability of rain. Most of this walk is on an unsealed road, so will suit the use of umbrellas, if you are that way inclined bring your brolly. Also bring morning tea. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2653
23 Mar (Thu) 2017: PENRITH (E) Cycle from Glenbrook to the White Water stadium for morning tea then over to the Regatta area and return to the park at Glenbrook for lunch. The distance is approx 40 klm. Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 5237
23 Mar (Sat) 2024: PENRITH (E-M, Kayak) Starting from Tench Reserve and paddling down to the weir. Then back to the narrows where Glenbrook Creek joins the Nepean. Morning tea will be here or near the weir. Then return to Tench Reserve. Must have own hard shell kayak and PFD. Limit: 10. Map: Penrith .

WalkID: 3379
23 Mar (Sat) 2019: RADIATA PLATEAU (E-M-Exp, may be off track) Explore this area, and find out why there is a move to protect it from development. Follow the fire trail to Megalong head, possibly look for the access paths to Blacks ladder and/or Esgate pass. Some at least will be on fire trail, but we'll refer to old track notes from dave Nobles blog - http://www.david-noble.net/blog/?p=6355, also Tom Brennans notes - https://ozultimate.com/tom/bushwalking/2009/20090808_esgate_pass/index.htm. I'll NOT be going down any chained or spiked passes - at least not on this trip. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1302
23 Mar (Sat) 2013: SPIT BRIDGE TO MANLY (E-M) A leisurely paced walk on tracks with superb harbour views, detouring to Grotto Point Lighthouse & Crater Cove. About 11 km with no significant hills. Limit: 12. Map: Sydney.

WalkID: 4547
23 Mar (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E, cycle) (Weather permitting) Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4470
24 Mar (Thu) 2022: BLACKHEATH-HAT HILL-RIDGE TO WIND ERODED CAVE (M) Great views across the Grose and interesting rock formations. Limit: 12. Map: MT. WILSON.

WalkID: 1315
24 Mar (Sun) 2013: BRAESIDE SWAMP (E) Join the Braeside Bushcare group in removing noxious weeds in the Braeside Swamp. Most of the day will be off track searching out weeds such as Gorse and Broom. Morning tea and lunch supplied. Limit: 0. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2335
24 Mar (Thu) 2016: FAULCONBRIDGE (E) Recovery cycle ride, Faulconbridge to Faulconbridge Point. Mountain bike recommended. Bring morning tea and water. Lunch at Springwood. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4549
24 Mar (Thu) 2022: GLENBROOK (M) Bike ride starting at Glenbrook station car park, then thru Lapstone to the M4 bridge, cross Mulgoa Rd at traffic lights and investigate Glenmore Park area. No specific plan at Glenmore Park, but there are enough roads and ups and downs to satisfy all. Return to Glenbrook. Of course it all depends on the weather. Limit: 16. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 461
24 Mar (Wed) 2010: Gooch's Crater (E-M, E-M) This is the first time I have put this walk on, but it shall be different than previous times. First of we shall leave the cars at a intersection and walk along the road a bit till we come to the first track then do some exploring at the crater and walk out a totally new way back to the cars. Limit: 12. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 1075
24 Mar (Sat) 2012: HOMEBUSH BAY (E, Push Bike Ride) Bi Centennial Park, Homebush Olympic Complex and Newington Armoury. Leisurely pace, cycle approx. 40klms. all on cycle tracks with no significant hills. Bring lunch. Limit: 12. Map: Sydney Gregorys.

WalkID: 2969
24 Mar (Sat) 2018: KATOOMBA (M) Katoomba Creek (remote). 8 -5pm. A joint NPWS/ SBC activity. Continue this amazing 18 years of volunteers efforts to remove weeds from remote sections of Katoomba Creek. Walking experience is needed for off-track walking and wading along the creek. Morning tea and lunch provided. Numbers limited. Book directly with Lyndal by Friday 16th March on 4780 5623 or lsullivan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3338
24 Mar (Fri) 2000: LINDEN CREEK EXPLORE (M-H-Exp, Rainforest Creek Obst) CANCELLED DUE TO OTHER COMMITMENT date moved to 24/3/2000 From Highland Road Faulconbridge descend along the route of the old trestle track and visit the remains of the abandoned saw mill. Make our way along the banks of Linden Creek to Paul's pool at the end of the Shirlow Avenue track. Explore along the creek. Approx 3km of off track walking along the creek. 6km on track. 180m descent and ascent. Short car shuffle. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 5228
24 Mar (Sun) 2024: LOWER BLUE MOUNTAINS: METROGAINE - 6HR EVENT (Variable grades) A classic 6hr rogaine event. This year's Metrogaine ('The Lennox - a bridge too far') is being held in our backyard - the Lower Blue Mountains. Rogaining is a fun team sport, navigating using map, compass and clues to visit as many checkpoints as possible within the time limit. It’s a “choose your own adventure” experience in outdoor environments where teams explore the course for as much or as little of the allocated time as they like. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels (families with small children to bushwalkers and runners), rogaining encourages the development of strategy and navigational skills, fitness, and the ability to work in a team. Teams choose their route on the day, from the map provided (shows vegetation, terrain, checkpoints, etc) available from 8am. Course briefings 9am (novices) and 9:45am (all). Mass start at 10am. Teams of 2-5 people. This event includes Mt Riverview, Emu Plains, Emu Heights, East Blaxland, Blaxland, Glenbrook, Lapstone and Leonay. Entries now open, closing 18 March, when NSWRA will release final instructions on the website. Entry fees: Adults $45, Concessions $32, Child under 14 yo Free. Includes a light meal and refreshments after the event. Join Thaïs' team (walking pace), or form your own. More details: nswrogaining.org website. Limit: 15. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1123
24 Mar (Sat) 2012: MEGALONG VALLEY (E-M) SHORT NOTICE We thought, since it is going to be sunny on Saturday, let’s do a walk down the Six Foot Track, to see how fast the Cox River is flowing. We shall start at the cemetery in the Megalong and go to the swing bridge and maybe to the camping area, returning the same way. The distance is about 14km depending on how far we go and 300m ascent. We shall go to the coffee shop in the valley on the way home. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba Gail & John 47572764 gail.siccardi@bigpond.com Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2953
24 Mar (Sat) 2018: NEPEAN RIVER TO WARRAGAMBA (VH-Exp, kayak) A 40 km return kayaking trip from Penrith to the base of the Warragamba Dam. Early start and late finish. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2924
24 Mar (Sat) 2018: RIVER CAVES (M) Out near Natural Bridge on the Mt. Cameron Rd, River Caves is a beautiful walk through a canyon, where you will get wet. Be prepared to be amazed! Time to take photos, so bring a tripod. Limit: 10. Map: Rock Hill.

WalkID: 3010
24 Mar (Sat) 2018: RUINED CASTLE, KATOOMBA (M) One of the Blue Mountains iconic walks. Leisurely walk out to Ruined Castle for morning tea & back. Short Day. Descend the Golden Stairs to the old (mostly level) track used for coal mining activities. A short climb at the end to Ruined Castle, where there are spectacular views down Cedar Creek to the wilderness that is the Warragamba dam catchment. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1114
24 Mar (Sat) 2012: SERENDIPITY CANYON (E-M, abseils) A short relatively easy canyon with a few abseils on the south side of the Wollangambe - some nice narrow sections and a couple of swims. Wetsuit and abseil gear required, beginners with basic experience OK. The canyon ends at the Wollangambe. We\'ll exit along the ledge, rather than trust that the Wollangambe is low enough - weather and river permitting, we\'ll go upstream 100m or so to the other exit. Limit: 6. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 3375
24 Mar (Sun) 2019: SPRINGWOOD - ROGAIN (E-M-H, event) Want to try your hand at Rogaining? The NSW Rogaining Association is to hold its annual 6-hour "metrogaine" in the Springwood area. An excellent opportunity to find out what rogaining is all about, without the navigational and other challenges of long championship events. Make up a team of two to five. The rest of the field will vary from total novices to the highly competitive, but it will only be as hard or easy as you make it. (Just quietly though, members familiar with the local tracks and roads might have an edge!) Your Australasian rogaining champions Greg and Andy won't be competing - they're helping to set the course. For more info and to register go to http://nswrogaining.org/AboutEvents/Events/19MG/19MG.htm Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2993
24 Mar (Sat) 2018: SYDNEY CENTRE (E) Protest rally to raise awareness of issues relating to coal mining - 'Time 2 Choose' Rally Limit: 20. Map: Sydney CBD.

WalkID: 1312
24 Mar (Sun) 2013: UPPER GLENBROOK CREEK (E-M, Exp.) Commencing at the Woodford Fire Trail, explore along the second ridge to the east visiting three potential rock art/habitation sites. Angle down the promising spur into the rainforest and pristine pools of Upper Glenbrook Creek, returning to civilisation via the Yondell Track. Scrub and scrambling. Early start; approx 9km of exploratory bush and a car shuffle. Suitable for experienced off track walkers. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4164
24 Mar (Wed) 2021: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) A half day circuit walk: 5 km approx: We will walk the Overcliff-Undercliff Track, then on to Rocket Point, (If enough time). The Overcliff-Undercliff Track has recently had a lot of upgrade work done on it by stone masons and are worth the walk just to see the difference the stonework makes. We will see the famous lookouts into the Jamison Valley, Lyrebird, Breakfast and Den Fenella to name a few. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4195
25 Mar (Thu) 2021: GLENBROOK (E) Bike ride Glenbrook-Emu Plains and maybe Penrith. The rain will stop and we can see what has happened in the flat country. Morning tea wherever is not underwater. 9 am start, Glenbrook station carpark. Modified route - from the park at the bottom of Mitchells Pass, go part way down the hill, turn left into Grey St, then Koloona Drive, Bromley Rd, Wedmore Rd and back to Emu Plains. Limit: 16. Map: UBD.

WalkID: 163
25 Mar (Wed) 2009: Hazelbrook,Adelina Falls,Terrace Falls,Hazelbrook (E) Our second walk in this serious, a tour of waterfalls on the south side of Hazelbrook I do believe if it is still hot, will shall be able to have a swim, so bring your swimmers with you. SHORT NOTICE WALK Limit: 12. Map: Katomba.

WalkID: 2481
25 Mar 2017 (Sat) 2017: MYSTERY MOUNTAIN; NEWNES VALLEY (M) A 50 PEAKS WALK!!! Across the river from the Newnes Hotel, Mystery mountain dominates the scene. Steep ascent, then walk along under the cliffs to Zobel Gully and back to Newnes. Approx. 8klms. with some exposure and scrambling. Limit: 12. Map: Ben Bullen and Mt. Morgan. Peaks bagged: 1

WalkID: 2933
25 Mar (Sun) 2018: QUEEN VICTORIA CREEK (M-H-Exp, Scrub, scrambling, we) From near the air traffic signal station on Kings Tableland we will take the Ingar foot track to cross upper Queen Victoria Creek and then off track to the first pool downstream. Then walking through forest well above the creek we will make our way to inspect another three promising pools and rock outcrop complexes. Return via a gentle spur along the upper boundary of a large hanging swamp. Swimming opportunties and no large hills but some scrambles and patches of scrub expected 80% off track. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3732
25 Mar (Wed) 2020: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3755
25 Mar (Wed) 2020: WOODFORD (E-M) A half day walk: North Woodford Transit of Venus Track. We will visit Mabel, Edith, and Hazel Falls and then return. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4947
26 Mar (Sun) 2023: BARNACLES AREA (E-M, Reckie) A day walk to check out the area after the fires, for the April camping trip and also further navigation training. From the RTA checking station east of Bell, follow a ridge north and north west to a spectacular cliff above a small canyon, then follow a slot down to the proposed campsite. If this area is not suitable, we'll head over the saddle to another possible campsite. The aim is to be back by 3pm. Limit: 8. Map: wollangambe, mt wilson.

WalkID: 4376
26 Mar (Fri) 2021: BEROWRA WATERS TO BAR ISLAND (H, kayak) Paddle out to bar Island and return 20 km with the tide both ways. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Cowan.

WalkID: 2600
26 Mar (Sun) 2017: BLACKHEATH (E) Braeside Blitz 9.00am - 1.00pm. Spend the morning with the Braeside Bushcare group searching for weeds through the Braeside Upland Swamp. No experience necessary. Morning tea provided. Book directly with Vanessa on (02) 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Wednesday 23rd March. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba .

WalkID: 783
26 Mar (Sat) 2011: BLACKHEATH, MEDLOW BATH (E-M, Push Bike Ride) Approx. 45 klms. Wind Eroded Cave and Point Pilcher. A leisurely ride with a couple of short hills that bikes have to be pushed up; total pushing approx. 800 metres. Coffee break in Blackheath after the Cave ride, then on to Point Pilcher for lunch. Rough dirt road between Blackheath and Medlow Bath means mountain bikes only. Great views from both lookouts. Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2179
26 Mar (Sat) 2016: BLAXLAND TO SPRINGWOOD (M) Spending Easter at home? Avoid the traffic with this opal friendly, all on track, except for 1km, jaunt. Pippas Pass, cross Glenbrook Creek and ascend to the Bullant track. Lost world Lookout, Sharks Head tunnel and cave, Perch Ponds and then to Springwood Rail via the gentle Magdala Creek Track. Minor scrambling. Two 150m ascents and descents. Approx 12km. Previously set for 21st of Feb but date had to be changed due to trumping commitments. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood, Penrith.

WalkID: 4488
26 Mar (Sat) 2022: CANCELLED DUE TO TRAIL CLOSURE - WOODFORD-OAKS MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE (M) 27km mountain bike ride (mostly downhill). We'll meet at Woodford station and ride to Glenbrook station, stopping for morning tea somewhere on the way. It takes a little over 2 hours. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 850
26 Mar (Sat) 2011: FAULCONBRIDGE (E-M) Victory Track,Sassafras Gully,Perch Ponds, Martins Falls,Picnic Point with side trip to Numantia Falls.A leisurely day as we descend to Sassafras Creek & follow the creek through to Perch Ponds, returning to Springwood via Magdala creek. Nice shady walk with good swimming. This is the perfect trip for a hot day. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 851
26 Mar (Sat) 2011: FAULCONBRIDGE (E-M) Victory Track,Sassafras Gully,Perch Ponds, Martins Falls,Picnic Point with side trip to Numantia Falls.A leisurely day as we descend to Sassafras Creek & follow the creek through to Perch Ponds, returning to Springwood via Magdala creek. Nice shady walk with good swimming. This is the perfect trip for a hot day. PREFERENCE WILL BE GIVEN TO PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4442
26 Mar (Sat) 2022: GOOCHS CRATER (E-M) GOOCHS CRATER REUNION. In 2022 it will be 44 years since finding Goochs Crater on the 31st December 1978. It will be Nick's 75th birthday. Walk in from fire roads to the North or South or walk in from Bell. Explore the small canyons and creeks and huge rock overhangs nearby. Limit: 20. Map: Wollangambe.

WalkID: 470
26 Mar (Fri) 2010: Hawkesbury River (M, M) A 40Km Bike ride taking the ambiance of the Hawesbury river region. From Sackville ferry return via Maroota and Lower Portland. There is a short dirt section. If interested please don't contact before the 20th of March Limit: 8. Map: Lower Portland and Wilberforce.

WalkID: 473
26 Mar (Fri) 2010: Hawkesbury River (M, M) A 40Km Bike ride taking the ambiance of the Hawesbury river region. From Sackville ferry return via Maroota and Lower Portland. There is a short dirt section. If interested please don't contact before the 20th of March Limit: 8. Map: Lower Portland and Wilberforce.

WalkID: 3388
26 Mar (Tue) 2019: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH (M, Kayak) Morning paddle to Euroka and return 12 km. Please bring morning tea finish before lunch. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1921
26 Mar (Thu) 2015: OLYMPIC PARK (M) Thursday Bike Ride This ride is suitable for road bikes following cycle ways to Olympic Park returning via the M4 and other various paths back to Toongabbie. Bring morning tea or you can buy at cafe in Parramatta Park, lunch stop will be at the cafeteria within Olympic Park. Distance is about 50km and should be back by 2pm approximately. Limit: 15. Map: .

WalkID: 3767
26 Mar (Thu) 2020: PENRITH (E) Cycle from Glenbrook to White Water and Regatta area and return to Glenbrook approx. 40klm. Morning tea at the White Water and lunch in the park at Glenbrook. Limit: 12. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2981
26 Mar (Mon) 2018: SPRINGWOOD HUB (Activist) Wild Rivers Public Forum with Dr Bob Brown and Bob Debus - Monday 26 March, 6:30pm at The Hub, Springwood – major event. This is being run by the Colong Foundation and is also it's 50th anniversary. Keith Muir has been working tirelessly for years so it would be good if lots of us could attend this meeting which is so close to where many of us live and has 2 wonderful guest speakers. You need to register at www.wildrivers.org au or email me for the direct link. Limit: 40. Map: none.

WalkID: 2663
26 Mar (Sun) 2017: TEMORA (E-M, cycling) Cycle from Temora to Ariah Park via Thanowring Rd and return via Mary Gilmore Way, Tara-Betrick Rd and Burley Griffin Way. About 95 km with about 13 km fine gravel country roads, most roads quiet and Burley Griffin Rd has wide shoulder for cyclists. Lunch in Ariah Park. Limit: 20. Map: Temora.

WalkID: 5262
26 Mar (Tue) 2024: VALLEY OF THE DINOSAURS MMB SCA (M-H) The Valley of the Dinosaurs is a spectacular gorge in Mugii Murum Ban SCA, near Capertee. We will view the gorge from above, then descend into it via an easy slot, and pass through it to the entrance. Then visit the Ultimate Slot, nearby. If the gate on the 4WD trail is open, we will drive to the top in my 4WD (in 2 trips if no other 4WD is available). Otherwise theres a 1.8 km each way walk from the bottom. The walk is partially off-track with a MH grade. About 7km, 6 hours and 200m elevation gain. Add 3.6km and 200m if we walk from the bottom. There is some easy rock scrambling and no difficult parts. Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nmpyeC7DLCDadKxb7 Limit: 8. Map: Glen Alice.

WalkID: 4464
26 Mar (Sat) 2022: YELLOW ROCK AND WINMALEE BRIDLE TRAILS (M-Exp) Follow the recently rediscovered bridle track from Yellow Rock Lookout to the track running along the Nepean. Ascend to Winmalee Ridge by following and tracing another old bridle trail which seems to have been recently converted into a bike track. Spend a bit of time exploring extensive western facing rock outcrops for signs of cultural features. 7km with a steep rocky descent and ascent. Mostly on track. Car shuffle required. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 4525
27 Mar (Sun) 2022: BLACKHEATH (E) 1st Braeside Broom Blitz (Blackheath). Sunday 27th March 9:00am – 3:00pm Support the Braeside Bushcare Group’s valiant efforts to keep Govetts Leap Brook weed-free. We will spend the day checking the brook for Gorse and Broom which germinated in extremely high density after the 2019 fire. This is our chance to fight them off once and for all - all are welcome! Morning tea and lunch provided. Please book with Monica by Wednesday the 23rd March on 0497 618 334 or monica.nugent@environment.nsw.gov.au Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 823
27 Mar (Sun) 2011: DALPURA CREEK (M) Return by popular demand. An interesting serpentine canyon/creek off the Bell's Line of Rd, some scrambling & wading, no abseils, wear gaiters. Last Aug it was too cold! Great views at the end! Limit: 8. Map: Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 500
27 Mar (Sat) 2010: Heart Attack Canyon (H, H) We are riding in to the big car park (5km) then following old trails to approach the canyon. Either 40m abseil into the creek then to the 35m abseil into Heart Attack or down the creek to the start of Heart Attack. It will be a long day with an early start, expect to walk about 10km on top of the bike rides. Wet suits not really necessary unless the weather is inclement (which may result in cancellation). Limit: 6. Map: Rock Hill.

WalkID: 4174
27 Mar (Sat) 2021: INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK SPRINGWOOD (E-M) Prospective members: Find out how to get the most out of the club and about safe bushwalking practices. Come on an easy-medium club entry-level-standard walk down Sassafrass Gully to the nice pool at the junction of Glenbrook Creek. Earlyish start. 5km with a 200m descent and ascent (roughly equivalent to around 50 flights of stairs). Mostly rainforest with some rough sections of track. The walk will be punctuated with various stops where we go over items in the introduction course. Approx 3 and a half hours. Full members are welcome to come along. If raining we just will do intro talk on a local balcony. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 4130
27 Mar (Sat) 2021: NEPEAN RIVER PENRITH TO NORTONS BASIN (VH, kayaking) Kayaking from Penrith to Nortons Basin and return 35 km. Fast flowing water and portage involved, early start. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 6. Map: Warragamba.

WalkID: 458
27 Mar (Sat) 2010: Newnes Plateau (M, M) Windows Canyon. You need absieling gear but no wetsuit. Great views into Wolgan Valley. Walk back via the Old Coach Rd. Leader is away from 12th Feb till 12th March. Limit: 8. Map: Ben Bullen.

WalkID: 4545
27 Mar (Sun) 2022: NORTH HAZELBROOK (E) Another easy Sunday afternoon stroll to 5 waterfalls if you don't mind some muddy sections. About 3 km with some done as a circle. Children welcome. Could also be an introductory walk and talk. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2622
27 Mar (Mon) 2017: PORTERS PASS (M) Limit: 10. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2146
27 Mar (Sun) 2016: SANDSTONE CAVES OF MT. VIC. (M) According to Halbert and Ellis, there are approx. 55 sandstone caves in Mt. Vic. On this journey, we'll try to see approx. 20 of them. History and mystery abound!! Afternoon tea at the Fosters. Limit: 12. Map: Mt. Wilson and Hartley.

WalkID: 3382
27 Mar (Wed) 2019: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 2664
27 Mar (Mon) 2017: TEMORA (M, cycling) Cycle from Temora to Cootamundra and return via Old Cootamundra Road and other back roads. Approx 125 km return. Lunch in Cootamundra. Limit: 8. Map: Temora.

WalkID: 2667
27 Mar (Mon) 2017: TEMORA (E-M, cycling) Cycle from Temora to Trungley Hill PO via Milvale, Morangarell, Trungley Hall Rds. Approx 57 km with about 10 km fine gravel country roads. Low hills. Limit: 12. Map: Temora.

WalkID: 3402
27 Mar (Wed) 2019: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) A half day walk: Water Nymphs Dell & Wentworth Falls Lake circuit. Water Nymphs Dell is a spectacular rain forest with a waterfall and a pool, a short drive away is Wentworth Falls lake. On the circuit of the lake, we will see the lake from different view points and houses with very nice gardens. We will also see how the Blue Mountains City Council is progressing with the Wentworth Falls Lake boardwalk Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 5261
27 Mar (Wed) 2024: WENTWORTH FALLS (E-M) A half day circuit walk: 5km approx: We will start at the Conservation Hut carpark and take the Nature Track. Continue to Edinburgh Castle Rock and at Lillian's Glen where we will see Asmodeus Pool, ( Asmodeus the Prince of Demons – Lust) and Flora's Bath followed by Empress Lookout, then back to the Conservation Hut. Bring morning tea. Limit: 16. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3689
28 Mar (Sat) 2020: BACK TO THE BUSH (M) PRINCE HENRY CLIFF WALK; iconic cliff-top walk, all on tracks, with no burnt bush. Views into Jamison Valley, including the terrible scar of the Ruined Castle fire; scenic world to Sublime Point. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3019
28 Mar (Wed) 2018: BEDFORD CREEK LAKES (E-M, minor steep sections) Lakes in the Blue Mountains? Come and find out on this half day walk. We will follow an established but rough-ish walking track, see the tallest tree in NSW (allegedly), magnificent blue gums and sand-fringed lakes. Suitable for prospectives, run in conjunction with Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre. The walking track is accessed via 4WD, please let the leader know if you can help with transport. Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 4178
28 Mar (Sun) 2021: CARNE CREEK (M-Exp) Explore the cliffline near the Carne Creek/Camp Creek junction from off the Glowworm Tunnel Road. Expect some scrambling. This is the side creek which includes Alcatraz canyon. We may get glimpse of the canyon and waterfall. Limit: 6. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 5217
28 Mar (Thu) 2024: CITY RAMBLE - BALMAIN AND BIRCHGROVE (E) Balmain and Birchgrove are home to a considerable amount of industrial and urban history, and some sporting history as well. In addition, at various points we will have some great harbour views. The plan is to take the ferry to Balmain Wharf a.k.a. Mort Street Wharf. From there we will head round Ballast Point and on past Birchgrove Oval, where the first ever game of rugby league was played in 1908, to Birchgrove Point. Then we will head down Louisa Road, which is now home to some of the most expensive real estate in Sydney, and on to Dawn Fraser baths. Time and weather permitting there may be an opportunity for a swim. We will find somewhere suitable for lunch, quite possibly the Riverview Hotel and then head down Darling Street to the Balmain East Wharf and the ferry back to the city. Limit: 12. Map: Parramatta River.

WalkID: 155
28 Mar (Sat) 2009: Induction walk (E) Induction talk, then a stroll down and along the national pass, up valley of the waters, then back along the under cliff over cliff track. An iconic Blue Mountains walk, recently restored. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 143
28 Mar (Sat) 2009: Queen Victoria Creek (M) Queen Victoria Creek Explore the lower reaches of this beautiful Creek. Bush navigation and some swimming. Well worth the effort. Limit: 8. Map: Jamison.

WalkID: 1845
28 Mar (Sat) 2015: ROYAL N.P. (M) Waterfall to Heathcote, via Uloola Pool and the Karloo Track. Delightful bush pools with waterfalls are the signature of this walk. All on tracks, through shaded forests; an ideal summer walk. Approx. 11 klms. Bring swimmers. Limit: 12. Map: Royal Nat. Park Tourist Map.

WalkID: 4110
28 Mar (Sun) 2021: SHARKS HEAD SPRINGWOOD (M-VH, Scrub, Cliffs?) This walk replaces the original Glenbrook walk which is cancelled as the causeway is closed. Modified walk is Martins Lookout, Sharks Head, Lost World Lookout, Bunyan Lookout Martins Lookout. 200m descent and ascent. Loots of views. A classic lower mountains walk. Some scrambling Limit: 8. Map: Springwood .

WalkID: 2177
28 Mar (Mon) 2016: SOUTH SPRINGWOOD (M, some scrambling and ) CANCELLED due to leader injury Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1080
28 Mar (Wed) 2012: SUNNYSIDE CANYON AND ZORRO CANYON (E) 2 canyons in one day.In the morning we will do Sunnyside canyon with its large acoustic caves,rated easy with no abseils then after lunch we will do Zorro canyon,very straight and narrow with 2 abseils and then exit up another canyon.Both canyons are dry unless you slip and fall in.Must have own harness and helmet.Rope fee applies.Inexperienced canyoners welcome. Limit: 8. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 2668
28 Mar (Tue) 2017: TEMORA (E-M, cycling) Cycle east from Temora to Springdale via Milvale and Fergusons Rds then south and return via Old Cootamundra Rd. Approx 68 km on quiet country roads, up to 20 km of fine gravel. Limit: 15. Map: Temora.

WalkID: 1849
28 Mar (Sat) 2015: WATERFALL CREEK CANYON (E-M-H, Grade 4) Short canyon on Kings Tableland. 4 abseils up to 45 mts. Some off track at the end. Exit via Kedumba pass. Car shuffle required. Must have your own gear. Rope fee applies Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 1109
29 Mar (Thu) 2012: FAULCONBRIDGE POINT (E, bike ride) (Almost) the last chance to enjoy an evening bike ride before daylight saving ends! Ride out Grose Road and enjoy a cuppa or supper as we watch the sun set at Faulconbridge Point. There should be a waxing moon to light our way back (rain permitting of course!). 6PM start. Bring head torch or bike light for the return trip. Limit: 10. Map: Springwood, Kurrajong.

WalkID: 3020
29 Mar (Thu) 2018: MT VICTORIA (M-Exp) Mountain bike ride. Mt Victoria along highway about 1 km. Then Victoria Falls Rd and associated tracks. Main Victoria Falls Rd is about 5 km long. Exploratory. Bring morning tea, adequate water, maybe light lunch just in case. Optional ride home afterwards. Limit: 16. Map: Mt Wilson.

WalkID: 1637
29 Mar (Sat) 2014: NORTH HAZELBROOK (E) This is a NPWS event & part of the 2014 Swampcare program. Limit: 8. Map: .

WalkID: 1914
29 Mar (Sun) 2015: PHIL T'S MEMORIAL SERVICE Starting at Wentworth Falls. As the Grandview will be catering for food afterwards, please let us know via the website if you will be coming. David will be the main speaker for the club, but if anyone else needs to speak, please let us know. No more than 2 mins. and please keep it light. Please register (in the member area) to see details of meeting place and time.

WalkID: 132
29 Mar (Sun) 2009: Sunnyside Ridge Canyon and Wolgan Ravine and Falls (M) In the morning we will explore a great dry canyon off fire trail 8 that ends with views into Wolgan Valley. In the afternoon we will follow a ridge out to fantastic views of Wolgan Falls and Ravine. Pagodas galore. Need 4WD vehicles. Limit: 8. Map: Cullen Bullen.

WalkID: 2665
29 Mar (Wed) 2017: TEMORA (M, cycling) Cycle from Temora to Junee for camp transfer. About 70 km using minor roads, all sealed. Low hills. Limit: 8. Map: Temora.

WalkID: 2623
29 Mar (Wed) 2017: TRACK MARKING AT SCENIC WORLD (Exp) This continues our work with the old cableway and scenic world. The plan is to mark a track from the scenicsender to the tension pit of the old ropeway. Transport FREE!!! Limit: 6. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 2601
29 Mar (Wed) 2017: WENTWORTH FALLS NORTH (E) Kittyhawke Swampcare 9.00am - 3.00pm. Joint NPWS/BMCC/SBC activity. Come and join the longterm efforts of volunteers to help free this large swamp system of a huge variety of weeds. Your work will help restore the habitat of the giant dragon fly and the Blue Mountains water skink. Lunch and morning tea kindly supplied by Hominy Bakery. Book directly with Lyndal on (02) 4780 5623 or lsullivan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au by Tuesday 21st March. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba .

WalkID: 3317
30 Mar (Sat) 2019: BEROWRA WATERS TO BAR ISLAND (H, kayak) Cancelled due to strong winds. Limit: 8. Map: Cowan.

WalkID: 2934
30 Mar (Fri) 2018: ERSKINE KNOLL AND BIG CRATER CREEK (M-H-Exp, scrub, scrambling) Jack Evans Track, cross Erskine Creek, Jack Evans Track with scrambling and thence old track to replenish the visitor book at Erskine Knoll. Return via the first Northern Tributary of Big Crater Creek. Approx 10km with 60% on track and two 200m ascents. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 1640
30 Mar (Sun) 2014: GLENBROOK - NAVIGATION PRACTICE (E, off track, scrub) Join me in Glenbrook National Park to practice navigation skills (half day - you\'ll be back for lunch). We\'ll be using the Navshield course from a few years ago - maps supplied but bring a compass. There are no flags out of course, but we can check we\'ve found the checkpoints with a GPS. If you want some experience in off track walking or want to learn navigation this is an ideal opportunity. Limit: 8. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 2666
30 Mar (Thu) 2017: JUNEE (E-M, cycling) Cycle from Junee via Canola Way to Coolamon, return via Boundary, Yathella Rds & Strathmore Ln. Approx 84 km with about 5 km fine gravel. Quiet roads, low hills. Lunch in Coolamon. Limit: 20. Map: Junee.

WalkID: 2669
30 Mar (Thu) 2017: JUNEE (E-M, cycling) Cycle from Junee via Shepherds Downside loop. Approx 50 km on quiet roads. Limit: 8. Map: Gryphon Lodge.

WalkID: 4526
30 Mar (Wed) 2022: KATOOMBA (M-H) 2nd Katoomba Creek (Remote) 8.30am – 5:00pm Continue the great work done by volunteers over 16 years in a remote section of Katoomba Creek. Bush regeneration and bushwalking experience are essential. The full day involves off-track walking and wading along the creek. Morning tea and lunch supplied. This is a joint NPWS and Blue Mountains City Council activity, numbers are limited. Please book by Wednesday the 23rd March with Grant on 0499 699 150 or grant.purcell@environment.nsw.gov.au Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 5245
30 Mar (Sat) 2024: NEPEAN RIVER TO WARRAGAMBA (VH-Exp, kayak) A 40 km return kayaking trip from Penrith to the base of the Warragamba Dam. Early start and late finish. Limit: 6. Map: Penrith.

WalkID: 4548
30 Mar (Wed) 2022: SPRINGWOOD (E, cycle) Short cycle on quiet local streets approximately 15 -20 kms. No real hills. Please advise your riding experience on booking if you have not ridden with me before. Limit: 8. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 4543
30 Mar (Wed) 2022: WARRIMOO (E-M) A half day walk: 5km approx; Rocky Lookouts Warrimoo: A walk along a fire trail, south from Warrimoo along a ridge to rock formations with great views into the Glenbrook Creek Valley and the rocky walls opposite of Bunyan lookout. Bring morning tea. Limit: 14. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4953
30 Mar (Thu) 2023: WEST HOXTON ELIZABETH HILLS (M) Bike Ride Cicuit No.14 …A 5 hr circuit suitable for road bikes following cycleways and back roads. Bring morning tea to have at Sugarloaf Pt and either bring lunch or buy at nearby Cecil Hills shops. Limit: 15. Map: Google maps .

WalkID: 3364
30 Mar (Sat) 2019: YELLOWROCK LOOKOUT (E-M) Abseiling Practice Day 1 - Basic Abseiling practice. All welcome even if you haven't abseiled before. Limited spare gear available so let me know if you don't have your own helmet (even a bike helmet), harness, descender, carabiners & gloves (optional). Limit: 10. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1076
31 Mar (Sat) 2012: ANZAC BRIDGE, ROZELLE AND BLACKWATTLE BAYS (E) 5klms. circuit. Splendid city and harbour views all morning, then enjoy a fresh fish lunch at the fish markets. Limit: 12. Map: Sydney Gregorys.

WalkID: 1309
31 Mar (Sun) 2013: BLACKHEATH (M) A journey through time. A couple of walks in Blackheath/Medlow that may surprise you, partly because of their historical content and the connection with people from the past, but mostly because they are wild and beautiful places. 200 metres ascent/descent, with approx. a 10km walk. Afternoon tea at the Fosters. Limit: 12. Map: Katoomba and Mt. Wilson.

WalkID: 4471
31 Mar (Thu) 2022: CAVES AND OVERHANGS OF FITZGERALD'S CREEK (M) Pleasant walk through Blue Gums of Sun Valley to an area with many caves and overhangs. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2925
31 Mar (Sat) 2018: EASTER WALK (E-M) Visit an area long forgotten in Mt. Vic. Fairy Dell, caves and a rock arch, with afternoon tea at The Fosters. Limit: 12. Map: Mount Wilson and Katoomba.

WalkID: 1065
31 Mar (Sat) 2012: GARDENS OF STONE; THE PAGODA MAZE TO TARPEIAN ROCK (M-Exp) This walk is about exploring some of the Pagodas around Baal Bone Gap, out near Ben Bullen and overlooking Rowan's Hole. Not a long walk, just an adventurous one. Limit: 10. Map: Michael Keats Gardens of Stone, Book 1.

WalkID: 483
31 Mar (Wed) 2010: Govetts Leap Blackheath (E, E, Volunteer) This is a Wednesday walk with a diffrence. To-day we are going to do some "Weeding with a View" in conjunction with the National Parks, Great Gross Weed Program March 2010. Since we usually go into the Parks for FREE I thought we could give something back by helping out. This is a morning only 9am-1pm time slot but you will get a FREE Morning Tea. Please ring S.A.P as I have to book us in by 21st March, dont forget your garden gloves. Limit: 15. Map: Katoomba.

WalkID: 3007
31 Mar (Sat) 2018: HAWKESBURY RIVER SPENCER TO BAR ISLAND (M, kayaking) A 20 km paddle to Bar Island and a few creeks on the way. Sit in kayaks with spray skirts required. Please bring Morning tea, lunch and P.F.D. Limit: 8. Map: Gunderman.

WalkID: 2661
31 Mar (Fri) 2017: JUNEE (E-M, Cycling) Cycle from Junee north to Coffin Rock and Junee Reefs via Old Junee, Murrulbale and Marinna Roads. Approx 60 km with 5 km fine gravel country roads. Low hills. Limit: 20. Map: Junee.

WalkID: 3407
31 Mar (Sun) 2019: NEPEAN RIVER CASTLEREAGH (E, Kayak) A slow and leisurely paddle along the Nepean river 10 km return. Please bring morning tea and lunch. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2341
31 Mar (Thu) 2016: SPRINGWOOD (M) Mountain bike ride (forget the road bike): Springwood-Sun Valley- Warrimoo-Blaxland via fire trail. We have done it before. There are big uphills and downhills and the fire trail might be rough in places. We bypass the Blaxland tip and go onto a single track through bush, that brings us out onto Winnicoopa Rd Blaxland. Bring morning tea. Lunch at Blaxland. Limit: 16. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4202
31 Mar (Wed) 2021: SPRINGWOOD (E, Cycle) Easy cycle from Springwood on quiet local back roads - usually about 15 -20km, no real hills Limit: 10. Map: Gregory.

WalkID: 3380
31 Mar (Sun) 2019: SPRINGWOOD INTRODUCTION WALK AND TALK (E-M) Prospective members: RESCHEDULED FROM 17/3/2019. Find out how to get the most out of the club and safe bushwalking practices. Come on an easy-medium entry level standard walk down Sassafras Gully to the nice pool at the junction of Glenbrook Creek. This is a 5km walk with a 200m descent and ascent. Rainforest and some rough sections of track. Maybe a steep semi off track section to view the mystery cross. The walk will be punctuated with lots of stops where we go over items in the introduction course, Approx 3 and a half hours. Full members are invited to come along. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 2931
31 Mar (Sat) 2018: SUN VALLEY AND LONG ANGLE GULLY (E) Enjoy a gentle afternoon fire trail stroll through the beautiful forest along Valley Heights and Long Angle creeks. Afternoon tea to share at the green patch. Approx 6kms, no significant hills but some creek crossings. Limit: 8. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 4179
31 Mar (Wed) 2021: WINMALEE (E-M) A half day circuit walk into the Blue Gum Swamp at Winmalee: 8km approx: Shaws Ridge and return via Blue Gum Swamp Creek Track. If enough time we will visit the Grotto on the Springwood Ridge Trail. Bring morning tea. Limit: 12. Map: Springwood.

WalkID: 1915
31 Mar (Tue) 2015: WOODFORD TO MURPHYS GLEN CAMPGROUND BIKE RIDE (E-M, Bike) Morning ride from Woodford along the scenic Murphys Fire Trail to the beautiful Murphys Glen Campground. Bring morning tea. We should be back by lunch but being a shorter ride the pace should still be relaxed. The road surface is mostly dirt except when we are in Woodford. There may be a steep section as we go down to the campground. If it is too steep we will walk. Prefer members ride mountain bikes or hybrids with knobbly tyres because on the steeper section you may need some grip. Distance: 12km return Elevation: 150m down and 150m up Limit: 8. Map: Katoomba and Jamison.